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NMAH Story: Story
I was sleeping in my bed when we recieved a phone call that a bomb had gone off in the world trade center... My exhusband and I turned on the television only to learn that it a plane had flown into the side of it. We watched in horror as the other tower was hit and then heard of the pentagon and then another plane.... All I could think of was Oh my God, Oh my God.... I didn't want my husband to leave me that day.. I was terrified to be alone. I kept saying to myself, where next and praying that it was over.. I never thought I would see the world trade center fall. My aunt had a godson that made it out... Then we found out that two friends were killed... I hate Osama, I wish him death, a slow painful death. May he feel the pain of the American people who loss so much on that day. New York will never be the same for me. I have gone there since a little girl to watch musicals and enjoy the sites and to perform. I went to see ground zero..... I morned the loss of not only my friends but for all those other innocent people. I feel like my world will never be the same and that we will never actually be safe from the wrath of another country that hates us so much. If I were wll enough I would be in some branch of the service...I'd lvoe to be the one who put the bullet through Osama head!!!
NMAH Story: Life Changed
My life has changed in that I am closer to the people I love. Instead of saying Have a good day, I find people and myself saying have a safe day. I am afraid to fly now and I never was before. I hate almost no one... I thank my lucky stars that my aunts godson made it out and that no other places in the US were bombed... And I cry, I shed tears for all those who will never come home again... I also feel that as American's, many of us are now closer, more friendly and more caring and compassionate. The USA has changed, we will never be the same.
NMAH Story: Remembered
Septemeber 11 should be a day of rememberance for all those lives lost, the heros who searched for hours, those who rushed in, those who donated time, food, money, etc and those who had the horrible job of having to clean up.
NMAH Story: Flag
I flew flags, lit candles, said prayers..... I have always considered myself a patriotic person, but after Sept 11 I am sure to have the red, white and blue, flying or displayed somehow and somewhere where ever I am. I lveo teh USA and always will. This is my home and my freedom and no act of terror will ever make me leave!
“nmah225.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed November 24, 2024, https://911digitalarchive.org/items/show/40436.