September 11 Digital Archive






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NMAH Story: Story

9/11 - Austin - TX

On the morning of 9/11 I was woken up by the phone ringing, it was my girlfriend. She was blurting out words and obviously upset, it took several seconds to register what she was saying. The world trade center had been attacked. I told her to come home from her work near the state capital at once. I then got up and went through to the spare room where my mother who was on holiday from Scotland was sleeping. She had been visiting me, and had enjoyed her vacation so far. I told her something terrible had happened and that she needed to get up right away. We both sat and stared in disbelief at the images on CNN. My mouth was wide open, as were my eyes. Although I could not see what the people of NY were seeing, I could see it on their faces. As the towers came down, so did our hopes. I had to rationalize that there would be survivors trapped underneath, they would find them, lots of them, there had to be holes. Days passed and nothing.

My prayers go out to all who lost family and loved ones.

God be with you all.

NMAH Story: Life Changed

I try to value those around me, and the moments I have more, because they wont come again.

NMAH Story: Remembered

That it was a day a lot of innocent people, and brave rescue personel, lost there lives. It was a day of religious evil.

NMAH Story: Flag

No I did not fly the flag.

Yes my feelings of the flag changed. It wasnt just a bunch of colors anymore, it was a symbol of strength, unity and sacrifice.


“nmah3030.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 28, 2024,