September 11 Digital Archive






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NMAH Story: Story

I was in school (in the 8th grade), in my algebra class. We were already into the class. Then the anouncments came on and our Dean of Students told us that the World Trade Center was hit bye a plane. So our Algebra teacher turned on the T.V. to watch the news. We all saw the buildings developing the black smoke. My teacher said, "This is very serious"I remember the news reporter saying,"people on the room are waiting for the helicopter to come" or something like that. When I heard about the attack I was stunned and felt sorry about the people that were on the plane. Then they also showed that pentagon was in flames and said it was bombed. That surprised me. the reporters said people were jumoing out of the building which just shocked me. Then we saw the building fall. I remember the reporter saying,"The building has collapsed."
Then another reporter saying, " A side of the building has collapsed?"
"No the whole building is gone"
I was just frozen then.
Then the class was over and I had to go to Language Arts. My teacher said our homework assignment was to "watch the news." My Language Arts teacher didn't let us watch the T.V., but let us express our feelings in writing and we went to class work. Then I had to go to lunch and that was the the talk during lunch. We were extremely surprised that the pentagon was bombed and tried to figure out how. Then I had to go back up to the same teacher that was teaching us Algebra, for science, and he let us watch some more news of the attacks. Before we got to class we knew that the second building had collapsed. There, i think, is where we learned that the pentagon was not bombed but a plane flew into it. We also learned that another plane was missing, and every plane was grounded. After that the news kept on repeating it self. Then I had to go to History and there we discussed about the attacks and security of the pentagon.

Eventually I got home and turned on the news. At home was the first time I saw the replay of a plane hitting one of the towers. After the news kept on repeating it self I went outside to talk to my nieghbors. All of them seemed stunned. From one of my nieghbors I learned that they shut down Disney Land. Which surprised me at first but later made sence. Then I went home. And learned that a plane had crashed in Penn. Then later on that night I was watching the news and an bombing was made on, I think it was, Pakistan. Which scared me a little. Then I thought of something very interesting. A few days ago I watched a tape what was made in the 1980's about Nastrodamas (sorry for the spelling). That made the predictions, for example the fall of the Soviet Union. Now remember the tape was made in 1980 and the fall didn't come till 1991 which surprised me. Then there was a prediction of "man made towers" (Skyscrapers) in New York would be in flames with huge black smoke. Which relates to the attack on the towers. But the video thought it might have been a nuclear strike.

After that I kept on watching the news for more information about the attacks.

Through the school year the attackes came in several discussions, for example vocab words, or in history about the goverment.

NMAH Story: Life Changed

September has made me alert and think about other ways terrorist could attack us. But I don't think it really had changed my life. Just made an extra thing to be sad about. I never was there when the attack happend and I didn't lose anyone, so i don't think it could have changed my life, but I do feel sad about the people that lost there lives without any clues or a thought of a possible death. Until after the attacks.

NMAH Story: Remembered

I think September 11th should be remembered of how strong the country was after the attack. Schools still went on and so did the businesses. Also remember the people that were lost. Not really how they died but how there life was.

NMAH Story: Flag

I did not fly an American flag after the attacks, and my feelings for the flag also did not change.


“nmah272.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 28, 2024,