September 11 Digital Archive






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NMAH Story: Story

I was in my adv class at school,and we were watching channle one. Then it happened,it came on the tv an every body gasped. So every body was talking about it during school that day. Every class I had after that had the tv on the hole period. Then I started watching the news every morning befor school, for about two months. I did not know any body who died but I steel felt the pain.

NMAH Story: Life Changed

It has made me more careful about things like that, and I worry alot to. I worry cause my mom travels alot so I always think about that kind of things. I watched the news for a wile trying to find out what is to be done about September 11,2001. Then I thought one day welcome to the real world, some things happen that are good an some things happen that are bad. You never know whats going to happen next till it happens. Thats the tough thing about the real world I relized that so I guess it made me less nieve an more knowing.

NMAH Story: Remembered

I think that should be rememberd about Setember 11th is all the people who died. An also there families who have to take the pain that there love ones are now gone. We should remember the fire fighters who lost there lives trying to save the people in the building.

NMAH Story: Flag

I did not fly a flag cause I did not have one. Now we have one and we fly it alot. My feelings about the flag has changed, I have more respected to it now.


“nmah652.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed June 25, 2024,