September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

I was in my bed sleeping,when my best friend came in and woke me up to tell me that a plane had just hit one of the world trade center buildings.Not knowing what she just said, I started to fall back asleep.She came back in and told me to get up, that something really bad was happening.So, I got out of bed just in time to see the second plane hit the other tower.All I could do was watch in horror and disbelief to witness what was happening,and I started to cry,and I find myself crying still all the time.I am sad for what has happened,I cry for all the lives lost that horrible day,I cry for the families that don't have their loved ones anymore,and I cry because we live in a world that these acts of terrorism keep happening.I have five children,and three grandchildren, and I'm scared that they have to grow living in fear that someone,somewhere, may try this again.I am thankful for President Bush, because he is trying to rid these idiots who only want to hurt our country.I pray that my ten year old daughter will someday be able to tell her children what happened on September 11,2001. God-Bless America. Tracey J. Hart


“story6969.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,