September 11 Digital Archive






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NMAH Story: Story

I was a freshman at CHS in NJ and it was picture day. I was in the nurse office when they were "confirming" the second tower was hit and then it was all over tv in each classroom.When I got my mom and I talked aout what happened. I honestly was scared for everyone. I didn't know what was going to happen next. I got so nervous when planes flew above me. I hope and pray that nothing like this never ever happens agian. If the terrorists plans were to hurt thousands of people, scare us, and UNITE our country stronger then ever then they suceeded.

NMAH Story: Life Changed

Yes, people have become more aware of what is going on all over the world. People pay attention when anyone says anythng about terrorism or when President Bush comes on know I use to just change the channel. But now I listen.

NMAH Story: Remembered

All the people who risk or lost their lives. Also the "Let's Roll" group that attacked the terrorists on the palne they were on. Anyone who lost thier lives on 9/11/01. Also every single AMERICAN soilder thatwent to the middle east after and before 9/11. The AMERICAN soilders who tried keeping peace and the AMERICAN soilders who fought and tried to regain the peace we once had.

NMAH Story: Flag

Yes, my family bought one to put on the car and we hung the flag in front of our house.My feelings about the flag have always been love, happiness, freedom, and the love of this country.


“nmah3180.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed June 25, 2024,