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NMAH Story: Story
On September 11, 2001 i was in school it was 5th period lunch. When i walked into the room i saw one girl who was cring and everyone else just looked very concered so i asked my friend who told me that 2 planes had flew into the trade towers, one into tower one and one into tower two. My jaw immedietly dropped. I did not know anyone who worked in the city but i was very concerd for the people that did..then when i heard that the pentagon was also hit i knew that this was deffinitly not a mistake and i wondered how someone could possibly do this. When i got home from school i was there with my mother, father, brother and all of his friends since we all left school and work early to be home..we put on the news right away and saw the trade towers fall to the ground one right after another it was the most horrible thing that i had ever seen so i started to cry...i looked at everyone in the room as there were just eyes filled with tears...then i looked at my dad and saw how he was cring and seeing my dad cry changed my life forever, i never new such a strong person like my dad could have been so effected but he was and he went to the city to help and he told me that it was the most horrible thing that he ever bare witnessed to in his life!
NMAH Story: Life Changed
Yes is has changed my life because of the fact that you cant even go to the airport without being like full body seached and i think that it is really sad that we have to live in fear that something may happen again. Thats no way to live!
NMAH Story: Remembered
I think that we should remember all of the people who perished in the towers and pentagon, and also all of thge police and fire man and dogs that helped out to try and save some peoples lives! i also think it w=should be made a national holiday to remember those people!
NMAH Story: Flag
The flag is a great thing because it shows how powerful amanericans can be!
“nmah3627.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 16, 2025, https://911digitalarchive.org/items/show/40225.