September 11 Digital Archive






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NMAH Story: Story

It had been a very boring morning. i was in my government class listening to the oldest teacher in the school, Mrs. MCcurdy, go on and on in her rambling about herself when she was young and how she use to hitch-hike alll the time with her husband. "I'm in government and this teacher is rambling about herself! Just great!" I said to myself as I placed my head down on the desk in bordem. Then all the sudden, I think coop came busting through the door. "Yo, one of the twin towers have been hit by a plane!" he exclaimed. Coop had been notorious for lieing so none of us believed him. "Coop, please get out of here, you are distrupting an important discussion.", Mrs. MCcurcdy said with a wave of her hand. "Nah I'm serious! The ones in New York! Check it out" he said with sincerity. The teacher knowing Coop left the room to see for herself. They to the library, where, unlike our room , had a working t.v set.
She came back and said, "Class... come the library..."
We sat there not knowing whether this was actually happening... When the second plane hit, there was a series a gasp and curses. Coop said to me, "Damn Jville, are you ready for war?" I didn't answer him. I just kept on staring at the t.v and asking myself "is this movie preview or real thing?"...

NMAH Story: Life Changed

Not really. I have always been satisfied with my faith in God. There are many people who have given up or are now very religious. It's funny how so many will react in those ways when we realize that we can be the target of hate and destruction. Hiroshima was an even worst disaster,yet we were predominately unmoved.
Maybe god has punished us for our pompous,close-minded attitudes. Well, then again, I don't believe that our creator would punish us. Our creator gives us the free will to do whatever. Although,in the end those evil ones will pay. But we must not hate like these hateful individuals do. Let our creator deal with them... Enough said...

NMAH Story: Remembered

We should remember those who died. we should rememer that other countries' people have feelings too.

NMAH Story: Flag

I have always been a strong supporter of the U.S. Well, I guess I haven't supported many of our past actions... Its more of that I see that we have so much potential. With honest,compassionate,loving people in various powerful positions, we can contribute as protectors of all people. We can contribute in healing the world...


“nmah4704.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 16, 2025,