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NMAH Story: Story
The morning of September 11th I was in the bathroom getting ready for school when my mom and dad screamed whilen they were watching t.v. I rushed out to see what was going when when i saw the first plane already hit the tower and the smoke and ashes were everwhere. My mouht dropped with shock as i saw the second plane plumit into the second tower. My whole family sat in front of our television terrified for the lives of the people that were in the WTT.
NMAH Story: Life Changed
Yes, my life has changed in many ways since September 11th. I was in a point in my life where i didn't really care about history and political issues because i was young, but this trragedy effected my life so now i appreciated things more. I also have become less nieve about siuations that happen. I am more cautios to the things i do and i also apprec iate the things i have in life so many people lost that day on September 11th.
NMAH Story: Remembered
There are many things that should be remebered about September 11th. i think the main thing that should be remembered are the people that were suffered in this tragedy and also the people who now dont have a dad, husband, sister, wife friend, or some one that they cared about. Innocent people suffered and should also be remebered.
NMAH Story: Flag
Yes, my family hung and American Flag outside of house to show respect to those who were effecrted by September 11th. My view aboout the American flag did change because i never took into considersation what it actually meant, i usually just recited the pledge of allegiance in school. Now i take more pride into seeing the American Flag on a daily basis.
“nmah6631.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 16, 2025, https://911digitalarchive.org/items/show/40199.