September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

TO everyone (I knew!)
Ok here. Watching news at office

TO everyone
Hi we were down broadway and there was a second explosion

TO everyone
Subject:Plane crash
Kevin and I walked down to Chase Plaza. Then there was a second explosion which we both saw

From: <> (my brother in Jacksonville FL)
Subject:World Trade Center accident
Apparently, there were a couple of allegedly intentional plane crashes into
the Twin Towers. Are you OK?

TO Richard
Subject:re: World Trade Center accident
Yeah we were down by chase plaza we saw the second explosion

From: AOL Donna <>
You have more brains than our brothers who WORK at the WTC...we
have not heard from either one...have you? They say it was a hijack and
then a second suicide. Can you believe this???

From: <Richard>
Subject:re: World Trade Center accident

I'm sure access is going to be restricted like hell, but if you track down
Steven and Brian (note…these are my brothers who work in the WTC) please let Mom know so she can pass the work on. You be

TO Richard
Subject:re[2]: World Trade Center accident
Call Mom I cannot get through. Tell her I am ok and to use this address for email.

From: Barbara <>
Subject:Re: (no subject)
jimmy please call me to tell me youre alive

from me
I'm here in the city
Apparently someone crashed planes into the World Trade Center. There was one hit and then me and Kevin were a block away and there was a second explosion. We got hit with flying shit all over and the whole city started running. Very scary

TO Barbara
No phone service can't call

TO Barbara
Subject:re[2]: re[2]:
We're all outside on the streets.
Me and Kevin were right there for the second explosion

TO Donna
Subject:re[2]: re[2]:
Any word from the boys?

From: Barbara <>
Subject:Re: (no subject)
are you ok

TO Barbara
Subject:re[2]: (no subject)
First time ever so scared that I was shaking. Still frightened. We were right there for a secdond explosion

From: <Richard.>
Subject:Re: re[2]: World Trade Center accident

I spoke with her and let her know all this. Keep in touch.

From me
Subject:re[2]: re[2]: World Trade Center accident
Use email phones are down

Barbara it is horrible. Please get prayers going

From: Barbara <>

Subject:Re: (no subject)
please call me on your cell phone

From: <Richard.>
Subject:Re: re[2]: re[2]: World Trade Center accident

I figured as much and told mom to do so as well. This shit is like the Die
Hard 3 movie - all circuits are busy and 911 is probably swamped. Are you
being evacuated?

TO Richard
Subject:re[2]: re[2]: re[2]: World Trade Center accident
We are still in the street.

From: AOL Donna <>
Subject:Re: re[2]: re[2]:
No word from either one of them. Brian would definitely have been there.
is probably sitting on the train. His cell phone is probably on the floor of
his car...

from me
Subject:re[2]: (no subject)
Cell phones are down. No phones in city

From me
Subject:re[2]: re[2]: re[2]:
I was one block away when the second explosion hit. The whole city started running at me and Kevin.

From: <Richard.>
Subject:Re: re[2]: re[2]: re[2]: World Trade Center accident

I've got shivers running up and down my spine. Thank God nothing happened.
I heard they're evacuating. Can't you get off the street and head home?

From: AOL Donna <>
Subject:Re: re[2]:
They closed Grand Central, so half my staff is sitting on Metro North...Did
close NYSE?

TO Richard
Subject:re[2]: re[2]: re[2]: re[2]: World Trade Center accident
Too scared to move

From: Mom

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Haven't heard from Brian or Steven yet. Is this unbelievable or what?

From: AOL Donna <>
Subject:Re: re[2]: re[2]: re[2]:
They hit the Pentagon...White house is evacuating...

From: Barbara
Subject:Re: re[2]: (no subject)
ok word is out in the school i have to get to justina and thomas to tell them you are ok

to Mom
Mom we left the NYSE wandered up Nassau Street. We were by chase plaza at Marine Midland looking when the second explosion hit. Right in our face. The whole city started to run right at me and Kevin McMahon. We got covered with debris. We saw what looked like people jumping

From: <Richard.>
Subject:Re: re[2]: re[2]: re[2]: re[2]: World Trade Center accident

Who knows what's next?!? So, keep your wits about you! Get outta there
the first opportunity you can.

From: Mom
Subject:Re: re[2]: re[2]: re[2]:

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Brian is also there somewhere. Still haven't heard from Steven. Cell phone
service is out.

TO Mom
Subject:re[2]: re[2]: re[2]: re[2]:
I went to look for my brothers. That was not a good idea. I got smoked and dusted real good. It is the worst thing ever. Goddamn cellphones don't work

From: Amanda
Subject:RE: re[2]: re[2]:
Outside?..are you going home.

From: Karen <>
Subject:Re: (no subject)
oh my god, i can imagine. i can't get a call into any of Manhattan, and
no one from ML is on IM. this is unbelievable. do you feel safe?

From: Amanda
are you guys okay...please answer me..was the financial center hit.

TO Richard
Subject:Re: : re[2]: re[2]: re[2]: re[2]. World Trade Center accident
I am on a ferry out of here.

From: <Richard >
Subject:Re: re[2]: re[2]: re[2]: re[2]: re[2]: re[2]: World Trade Center accident

Thank God! Above all, remain calm and alert.

Here's what the news is saying:
apparently this a coordinated attack on NY and DC (and elsewhere??).
Apparently a United Airlines flight from Boston to LA was commandeered and
crashed into the Tower. Don't know anything about the first plane.
Apparently, an attack was aimed at the Pentagon. There are also reports of
attacks on the Washington Mall. FAA has shutdown everything.

Keep in touch and get outta there as soon as possible.

From: candie TX <>
<div style='background-color:'><DIV>I have no idea where you work in Manhatten....PLEASE PLEASE let me know you are ok.</DIV></div>
<hr>Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

TO Everyone
Subject: I think maybe another plane just hit. There is a huge cloud all over us. (note: the first tower had fallen at this time)
Someone talk at me. Anyone hear anything?

From: Mom <>
Subject:(no subject)

Are you still ok. Nothing from Steven and now the both towers are gone

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TO Mom
Subject:re[2]: (no subject)
I made it to the Ferry with some lady riding me piggybacked. We couldn't see anything when that building fell

From: Mom
Subject:Re: re[2]: re[2]: re[2]: re[2]:

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Donna said you are on your way home. Will keep in touch. I'm sure that the
cell phones were affected because of the WTC being blown up, absolutely
unable to believe what we are witnessing. Will be in touch.
luv ya

From: Mom

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Nothing yet. Will keep in touch and will keep trying.

From: Karen
Subject:Re: (no subject)
so you are on your way home? thank god. i'm so glad the ferries are at least running.

From: Mom
Subject:Re: (no subject)

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Will let you know if we hear anything.

From: Elizabeth
Subject:Re: -- No Subject --
Please tell me you are me ASAP:
(xxx) xxx-xxxx
am so so worried!!!!

From: Amanda
please please tell me you allright..
was the financial center hit..

From: Amanda
where are you now.

From: Sean Subject:Re:
BC is still in the job. Haven't heard from Satan or Jim (note…Sean is a co-worker referring to our friends from work.) Any news on the LI guys?

From: Kathleen
Good to hear. I'll talk to you later and we'll stay in touch. Looks like I'll head to staten island with eddie g.

From: Sean
Yeah. shaky but ok.

From: Kathleen
Hey babe. A lot of people leaving. Its 12:30. I'm w/ ed g. On a tug to staten island. Where are you,???

TO Everyone
I made it to Bobbys town he is driving me. Where is everybody?

From: Sean Gilmartin <>
Heading uptown on the eastside.Satan made it to Hoboken he was at the marina when the building went down.

From: Kathleen
That's incredibly great news. I'll stay in touch. Gracie, sue c. And a whole crew left together.

TO Everyone:
I made it to NJ. I am going home…

From: Aunt Rita
Subject:Thank goodness

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Jimmy so glad tohear you and everyone we love ok.Horrific day. Im
stillwaiting to hear about my nephewChris. Love Aunt Rita

From: Elizabeth
Subject:Re: -- No Subject --
dear jimmy-
hope you got home ok yesterday...that must have been quite
a frightening experience to go through, and my thoughts
have definitely been with you all.
Let me know how you are doing.

September 11 Email: Date

September 11 Email: Subject


“email848.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 11, 2025,