September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

-----Original Message-----
From: Name Withheld
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 2:35 PM
To: Multiple Names Withheld
Subject: (No Subject)

Hello all of my NY Friends:

I just wanted to make sure that each of you is ok and if you need anything. If you do, please do not hesitate to ask. Please get back to me and let me know that you are all ok. I am very worried. I was out of my mind worried about Susie, but she called me and I know she is ok but I need to know that you are all ok.



Hi [SM],

Thanks for your concern. That's really sweet. I was wondering about Susie and was going to email her or call her, but I'm glad you're telling me you're okay. In fact, I'll email this to Susie too (Hi Susie!). Here's my account of what happened:

I actually saw the first tower this morning on my way to work as I rounded the Brooklyn Queens Expressway... it was about five minutes after the first plane crashed through, and it hadn't yet even been broadcast on the radio. I saw the smoke and wondered what was going on... I saw glittering particles through the smoke (apparently glass) and the hole at first I thought was a big dark shadow. I was going to call the radio station to see if they knew anything, but in another two minutes when the song on the radio ended they announced "A nightmare is happening at the World Trade Center..." etc. At that point they didn't know it was a terrorist attack. They were speculating about a plane having crashed through and still being inside the building. I was in shock. Then, while I was listening to the radio (the Twin Towers were behind me somewhere so I couldn't see them at this point) the announcers were watching the tv news broadcast apparently and they said "OH my God, ANOTHER PLANE JUST crashed into the second tower... it looks like this is a deliberate attack!" And all of the cell lines were busy - I couldn't get through to my dad, mom, or work... when I got into work all the TVs were on (wer'e only getting channel 2 by the way - the transmission antenna for many of the stations apparently was on the top of the tower). And then when the Pentagon was attacked! And then we watched both towers collapse - live - on tv. My dad and his three coworkers are now attempting to walk east to the 59th street bridge where I can pick them up on the Queens side. My uncle had to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge and is heading to my mom's house (if he's not there already) and my other uncle who works down there actually saw the tower collapse and saw people jumping or falling off from floors near the top. It's so sick and so so sad, and what's going to ache later is when all of us New Yorkers see the skyline everyday sans the Twin Towers. This is the single scariest thing I've ever lived through.


September 11 Email: Date

9/11/01 2:58pm

September 11 Email: Subject

RE: (No subject)


“email88.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 15, 2025,