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September 11 Email: Body
Hi everybody,
Just a quick note. Many people have called, thanks. We are fine.
I was at the airport in Newark yesterday. It was a glorious day and you could see for miles. I was scheduled to fly a flight to Puerto Rico at 8:00 am. We delayed the flight due to a maintenance problem and left at 9:03 am.
Just before leaving we heard that the Trade Center was hit by an airplane, and as we pushed back, we could see the towers on fire. I thought right away that this could cause some problems for our flight and called ATC to check on what was happening. The air traffic controller told me that he just watch two airliners crash into the World Trade Center...I asked him to repeat his last comment. He did. As I watch the buildings burn, I got sick to my stomach at the thought of his words. We immediately got permission
from the company to return to the gate, I knew we where not going anywhere for a while.
Once inside the terminal I called home. Lynn was hysterical. It started to dawn on me what was happening. My initial thought was that it was an accident, I found it hard to believe that two airplanes were involved though, that would never happen unless there was a hijacking. Bingo. After talking to Lynn I realized that my initial impressions were wrong. I told my crew to go home and check in with the company later. I told every one to
call home.
I stopped by the operation room on the way home to catch some of the news reports. The room looks east towards the Trade Center. I saw the south tower fall.
I went to the employee parking lot and watched the North Tower disappear.
Just that morning I was looking at that magnificent sky line as the sun was coming up. Now I was looking at a completely different sight. Something that I will never forget. None of us will.
Just a quick note. Many people have called, thanks. We are fine.
I was at the airport in Newark yesterday. It was a glorious day and you could see for miles. I was scheduled to fly a flight to Puerto Rico at 8:00 am. We delayed the flight due to a maintenance problem and left at 9:03 am.
Just before leaving we heard that the Trade Center was hit by an airplane, and as we pushed back, we could see the towers on fire. I thought right away that this could cause some problems for our flight and called ATC to check on what was happening. The air traffic controller told me that he just watch two airliners crash into the World Trade Center...I asked him to repeat his last comment. He did. As I watch the buildings burn, I got sick to my stomach at the thought of his words. We immediately got permission
from the company to return to the gate, I knew we where not going anywhere for a while.
Once inside the terminal I called home. Lynn was hysterical. It started to dawn on me what was happening. My initial thought was that it was an accident, I found it hard to believe that two airplanes were involved though, that would never happen unless there was a hijacking. Bingo. After talking to Lynn I realized that my initial impressions were wrong. I told my crew to go home and check in with the company later. I told every one to
call home.
I stopped by the operation room on the way home to catch some of the news reports. The room looks east towards the Trade Center. I saw the south tower fall.
I went to the employee parking lot and watched the North Tower disappear.
Just that morning I was looking at that magnificent sky line as the sun was coming up. Now I was looking at a completely different sight. Something that I will never forget. None of us will.
September 11 Email: Date
September 12
September 11 Email: Subject
“email893.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,