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September 11 Email: Body

From: Donna Llewellyn <>
Date: Mon, Sep 17, 2001, 1:46 PM
To: "Maria L. Evans" <>
Subject: Re: [Fwd: [Fwd: Fwd: Letter 1]]

Well--I'm actually flying a flag that I swore that would never meet the air until
the old Sanitorium was Not public housing. BUT--I broke down. I'm flying the flag
that was flown over the Missouri State Capital in honor of the group, "Save the
San". Since this group no longer exists I thought that the, past, members would
want this flag to be flying at this time.
I feel some guilt but have much more pride.
I feel so sorry for the people of Afganhastan. The surrounding countries have
closed their borders and they have no place to flee. So many innocent people will
die if/when we move miltary forces into their country to find Osama Bin Ladin.
It's, also, sad that these desciples of Allah have decided that the United States
is wanting Osama Bin Ladin to start the beginning of a Holy War. This matter
doesn't concern God, Allah, Muhammand, Jehova or any other religious diety!
Pray for understanding and pray that if our country has to fight this war it will


Maria L. Evans wrote:

There is also a run on flags, ha ha...right now I am stuck with a little
scrawny plastic one until Wal-Mart gets some bigger ones. I'm a lot happier
about the run on flags than on the bottled water!!!!!

Maria L. Evans
"If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough."
---Mario Andretti

From: Donna Llewellyn <>
To: "Maria L. Evans" <>
Subject: Re: [Fwd: [Fwd: Fwd: Letter 1]]
Date: Sat, Sep 15, 2001, 3:44 PM

Hey 'Marvin',
I just wanted to let you know that I have contacted my email friends in
the UK, Africa and Australia. I have told them about the sorrow that the
people of United States are feeling and I've told them about our anger and
resolve to bring these cowards to justice. I've told them that the citizens
the United States do not wish to harm innocent people of any country. I've
told them that our people are peaceful and that it is only because of this
attack that we are bearing arms and beginning to fight against an attack that
was started by others.
I hope you are displaying your flag--our government has asked to keep our
flying for 30 days.
Our Nation has proven that 'divide we fall--United WE Stand'. We are standing
United on this day and every day until this 'battle' is won.

"Maria L. Evans" wrote:

Good letter.

I'll tell you what is really bothering me right now. Don't get me wrong,
respect for all these victims is important, but our rush to cancel
everything (such as sports events), to me, is acquiescing to terrorism.
ACCOUNT OF THEM. I strongly feel that we should not be adopting a victim mentality on account of these whackos.

People are forgetting that, despite the worst attack on U.S. soil, our
nation's communications infrastructure was BARELY SCRATCHED. People were
using cell phones a block away from the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
Most of us were using the phone, cell phone, the TV, and the internet while
this was going on. I was on an internet bulletin board where a man who
worked 4 blocks from the Trade Center was telling us what was happening
ahead of CNN! A friend of mine was able to communicate with her cousin
deployed on the USS Kennedy within 2 hours of the attack!

passengers who crashed in Pa. They were most likely fighting the
terrorists, avoiding another tragic plane crash. That's the kind of stuff
we are all made of in this country. We are not talking this up, we are
playing "victim" and that upsets me. Even in Kirksville, MO, I was angry
that "sheeple" were panicking over gas, and making a run on BOTTLED WATER,
for crissakes! I just wanted to stand in the middle of Hy-Vee and yell "Get
hold of yourselves, what the hell are you all doing!!!!"

At the same time, I hope we all fight the evil that will almost certainly
pop up in own own hometowns, the evil of blind hatred aimed at people who
didn't have anything to do with it. Already, in Columbia, the local mosque
got a bomb threat. I remember in 1979 during the hostage crisis, Iranian
students (who came to the U.S. on the Shah's money, who had nothing to do
with Khomeni, who even could have been killed should they return to Iran)
got beat up in parking lots at NE Mo. State. We have to be careful not to
fall prey to that kind of misguided hate, to save our anger for the correct
target and use all our energies to go after the correct groups responsible.
Let the true bad guys feel our wrath, not someone who isn't even involved.

Just my thoughts. I am like everyone else, I am still going through every
emotion in the book, and sorting out my feelings and my logic about this
like everyone else. But I do know our anger needs to be a cool, calculated
one, not a hot, half-cocked one. These bastards took a LOT OF TIME to plan
this attack, it will take just as careful planning on our end to flatten
Maria L. Evans
"If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough."
---Mario Andretti

September 11 Email: Date

Mon, Sep. 17, 2001

September 11 Email: Subject

Re: [Fwd: [Fwd: Fwd: Letter 1]]


“email492.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed June 29, 2024,