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September 11 Email: Body
Hi Rach. I have had trouble getting through on email, but I just wanted to reassure you that I am ok, as are Judy and Erin and
all of our friends in the city. It has been very traumatic for us all, but thank the universe, we are all safe and unharmed. It was
all too close to home, as Judes and I saw the second plane hit the second WTC tower while crossing a bridge on the F-train -- a
man screamed and we all rushed to the window -- it was unreal and unimaginable what events would follow. I made it into
work, where I am 15 blocks directly north of the WTC and had a clear view of both towers. What broke my heart was seeing
the towers crumble to the ground. I have never been so shocked in my life. But has been extraordinarily comforting to be here
in New York, where strangers suddenly seem like long lost friends, and the collective experience is one of unity and support.
As I walked across the Williamsburg Brigde on Tuesday morning, like a r fugee among thousands of New Yorkers -- of all
shapes, colors and sizes -- I felt the most pride I have ever felt to be an American and to now be a New Yorker. And that's
the one thing that I think is keeping me going.
I hope you are well and that all your friends and family are safe.
Love, Em
all of our friends in the city. It has been very traumatic for us all, but thank the universe, we are all safe and unharmed. It was
all too close to home, as Judes and I saw the second plane hit the second WTC tower while crossing a bridge on the F-train -- a
man screamed and we all rushed to the window -- it was unreal and unimaginable what events would follow. I made it into
work, where I am 15 blocks directly north of the WTC and had a clear view of both towers. What broke my heart was seeing
the towers crumble to the ground. I have never been so shocked in my life. But has been extraordinarily comforting to be here
in New York, where strangers suddenly seem like long lost friends, and the collective experience is one of unity and support.
As I walked across the Williamsburg Brigde on Tuesday morning, like a r fugee among thousands of New Yorkers -- of all
shapes, colors and sizes -- I felt the most pride I have ever felt to be an American and to now be a New Yorker. And that's
the one thing that I think is keeping me going.
I hope you are well and that all your friends and family are safe.
Love, Em
September 11 Email: Date
received 9/13/01 3.56 pm
September 11 Email: Subject
“email428.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,