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September 11 Email: Body
I want to thank ALL of you for the support and hope you gave me as these horrific events unfolded yesterday, I appreciate it so much. My sister is doing fine, besides the fact that she had to eyewitness something that I cannot even fathom seeing with the human eye (she was already outside when the second plane hit the south tower). She is still in shock, but is relaxing at home after this horrible ordeal. Thank you all for your concern.
Good morning - and it's got to be a better morning than yesterday at this time.
Megan's mother was at work in the disaster area and Denise's sister, in the WTC -- both are safe. The three of us trudged up 8th Aves w/ laptops, not stopping to rest until we had passed the Post Office, Penn Station, Port Authority -- at the time, there was still uncertainty about how many unidentified planes were in the air. Phila closed down -- two of my sons were at work there, and reported much consternation about their being the next target. Jean Aspen, having worked on the 27th flr of the WTC, was concerned about friends -- nearly everyone had someone in their prayers. Hope your friends/family escaped harm.
Good morning - and it's got to be a better morning than yesterday at this time.
Megan's mother was at work in the disaster area and Denise's sister, in the WTC -- both are safe. The three of us trudged up 8th Aves w/ laptops, not stopping to rest until we had passed the Post Office, Penn Station, Port Authority -- at the time, there was still uncertainty about how many unidentified planes were in the air. Phila closed down -- two of my sons were at work there, and reported much consternation about their being the next target. Jean Aspen, having worked on the 27th flr of the WTC, was concerned about friends -- nearly everyone had someone in their prayers. Hope your friends/family escaped harm.
September 11 Email: Date
September 11 Email: Subject
“email176.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 25, 2025,