September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Hello all,

I was very glad I was able to e-mail you. They turned off the e-mail initially, but higher headquarters told them to turn it back on when tons of families back home called HQ Marine Corps and HQ Navy. We are under strict guidelines of what we can say though. I can tell you that I know no more than you do right now. Please tell everyone that I really appreciate the prayers. I am very glad to hear everyone there is okay. I will not take any unnecessary risks, so don't worry about it. I really think we're safer out here than back in the states. I am worried about your safety right now. I am praying this all ends soon. I will continue to update you as much as possible. I will able to e-mail you without standing in line very soon. I will let you know when that happens. It is scary but comforting at the same
time to see the coasts are being protected by Navy ships and Air Force jets. It is so unbelievable. It certainly does not seem real. I would have thought it would see more real being out here and all, but I think it has had the opposite effect. The videos they keep showing on TV (the on of the planes crashing and Manhattan looking like Beirut) seem like their trailers from a movie or something. I hear gas prices have skyrocketed too. Does it seem any more real to you there? I certainly know it is real, and it has hit me, but I'm just saying it is too crazy to fully comprehend. I was in a club/bar when the music stopped and it was announced that all Marines and sailors were directed to go back to the ships immediately. I initially thought one
of the service members did something really bad and the city was kicking us out, but them someone said the WTC and Pentagon were bombed. I felt like throwing up. There was chaos in the street at first. Too many were drunk. After a few minutes I along with several other NCOs calmed people down and we headed toward the piers in huge groups. Public busses stopped and drove us all down there for free. They searched every bag and carefully checked all ID cards when we got back on the ship. The ships left port shortly after. We saw the "act of war" on TV then, and people were stunned. We just as there all night watching. I don't know if anyone here slept that night. I shot a little video, but none of the melee in the streets. I will include that on the tape I'm preparing. The attitude of the crew and Marines here is indescribable. There are a lot of people from NYC here, and they are obviously very worried. Some haven't heard from their families yet. Everyone seems very, very mad. We got a special video from the Sec of Defense today telling us that all steps are being taken to protect us and our loved ones back home. I believe him. This message is getting very long, so I'm going to sign off now. We're all being very careful here. Please, do the same. I will e-mail you again soon. I love and miss all of you.


September 11 Email: Date

Fri, 14 Sep 2001 09:04:25 +0930

September 11 Email: Subject

Day Two


“email496.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 5, 2024,