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September 11 Email: Body

SENT 9/14/02:

Dear Family and Friends,

My family and friends are all safe, and for this I am very thankful. Many thanks to all of you who emailed and called.

With all of you, I have been horrified and grief-striken by the attacks this week. I've been trying to figure out my feelings, though, about our country's rush to respond with more violence, more military power, more secrecy, and more hatred. I found the following two statements, from Physicians for Social Responsibility and the American Friends Service Committee, very helpful. I pass them on in the hopes that they will help you clarify your own thoughts and emotions. I found them at Common Dreams: Breaking News and Views for the Progressive Community,

(As always, if you don't want to receive these occasional social/political notes from me, let me know and I will take you off the list.)

In peace,
Sarah Browning

SEPTEMBER 13, 2001
6:25 PM
CONTACT: Physicians for Social Responsibility, 202.667.4260

PSR Statement on the Events of September 11, 2001

WASHINGTON - September 13 - Physicians for Social Responsibility is saddened and shocked by the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 on our nation's capital and the financial center of New York. We grieve at the horrific loss of innocent lives and condemn in the strongest possible terms such attacks on the United States, especially the cowardly use of hijacked civilian passenger aircraft as weapons of terror. Terrorist attacks like this indeed strike at the very heart of civilized society around the globe.

We call on physicians and health professionals throughout the nation to do all in their power to assist in the extraordinary efforts needed to provide medical care to the large numbers of injured and traumatized citizens who have suffered from these attacks. Our thoughts and prayers are especially with those families whose loved ones have been killed or whose fates are as yet unknown.

PSR also acknowledges with profound gratitude the large number of messages and resolutions of condolence and support that we have received here in Washington from physicians and organizations around the world.

We recognize and approve UN Security Council Resolution 1368 of September 12 which calls on all states to work cooperatively to bring the perpetrators of these terrorist attacks to justice under law. It is only within the framework of international cooperation and law that terrorism can be effectively addressed.

As an organization committed to preventing war and to reducing violence and its causes, PSR calls on the United States government to expeditiously investigate and apprehend those people and organizations responsible for these horrible deeds. As Americans, we are experiencing deep feelings of anger and sorrow. Nevertheless, we strongly caution against commencing a cycle of retaliatory attacks and reprisals that will only fuel further violence and erode the rule of law. We also believe that all Americans and our government must at this moment cling steadfastly to the ideals of openness, tolerance, civil liberties, and robust debate that are the hallmarks of our democracy at its best.

PSR is also reminded of the very real need for the our nation to reassess our security priorities in the wake of this heinous attack. Clearly, our government's current proposals to build at great expense a vast missile defense system would have proved useless on September 11th. We believe that such immense sums would be better spent in improving security within the United States, in reducing and eliminating nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction, in helping to rebuild and assist victims in New York and Washington, and in beginning to address the inequities in our society and in the world that help breed hatred, violence, and terrorism.

As we weep for our country and take pride in the compassion and heroism that so many of our fellow Americans have shown in this hour, we know that such scenes of human devastation -- whether from war, civil conflict, terrorism, poverty, environmental degradation, starvation, or disease -- are all too frequent around the globe. These are our true common enemies. PSR believes, as with any disease, that it is the prevention of violence that will be our most effective remedy. If there is any hope to be found in this tragedy, it is that Americans and the world may at this time more deeply recognize our common humanity, its preciousness and fragility, and the need to commit ourselves once again to building a more just, equitable, and peaceful global society.


SEPTEMBER 13, 2001
4:25 PM
CONTACT: American Friends Service Committee
Janis D. Shields, 215-241-7060
or John W. Haigis, 215-241-7056

AFSC Urges Americans To Work Together For Peace
Says "No More Victims," Justice and Healing, Not Retaliation

PHILADELPHIA - September 13 - The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) today announced it would launch a No More Victims campaign to help support victims and survivors of the Washington, D.C., New York City and Western Pennsylvania tragedies. Its No More Victims campaign is also designed to educate the public about finding peaceful solutions in the face of these terrible acts of anger and hatred and the suffering they caused.

Our hearts go out to the thousands of victims of these horrible acts of violence and we recognize and share the grief and sorrow felt by the entire country, if not the world. We join in the hope that those who planned and orchestrated these despicable acts will be brought to justice, stated Mary Ellen McNish, AFSC general secretary. However, we cannot scapegoat the innocent. We must not repeat the mistakes of the past by targeting those who may look like or share a similar-sounding name, religion or ethnic background with those perceived to be the cause of this suffering.

We have to break the cycle of violence and retaliation, McNish emphasized, promising to organize and partner with like-minded organizations for public action, including peace vigils, speaking engagements and ways to help heal the scars from this terrible tragedy.

AFSC also encouraged individuals to stand with Arab and Muslim communities, many of which are being targeted and made scapegoats when they have done no wrong. In addition, the organization announced that it would encourage staff in its 22 offices throughout the United States to work with their local Red Cross to establish blood drives when they are most needed.

Donations may be directed to AFSC No More Victims and mailed to AFSC/Development, 1501 Cherry Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102. To contribute via Visa or Mastercard, call 1-888-588-2372, ext. 1. For more information on the American Friends Service Committee please visit our web site at, or call (215) 241-7060.



thank you Sarah for that mind changing information. I want to say that I am
glad to hear that you and your family are well. My cousin lives right next
to the World Trade Center and saw the whole thing from his living room. He
is still crushed by what he saw. He is in the Army, and guess what. He is
one that they just called in to the military. I am still in a state of shock.
we are going to war. there is no doubt. the problem is who are we going to
war with. I don't know. Talk with you soon. keep in touch. may God bless.


Sarah - thank you for sending this. It has been so hard over the last few days
to articulate complicated feelings about the terrorist attacks and our
government's possible response to them. This helps put into words what I've been
struggling so much to think through with my friends here in Seattle. I'm very
glad to hear that you & all your friends & family are safe & well.



Thanks for forwarding the two pieces. I will share them with my students.
In this horrific time, we need to pause and think. My family and friends,
like yours, are safe, but so many are suffering! In school, we know of
several parents and former students who are "missing." In my husband's
school, one boy lost his father and 3 uncles (4 brothers!). What a
Hug your son.


I'm feeling wordless & without much desire to become wordful, myself,
which has happened to me before during times of personal loss, and is
happening this week. But I reread Yeats's "The Second Coming" tonight,
which sent a chill right through me, as did Yehuda Amichai's "Try to
Remember Some Details" - I thought I would pass those two along, so
here are links to them:



September 11 Email: Date

9/14/01 and replies the following days

September 11 Email: Subject

This awful week


“email77.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 8, 2024,