September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

While events were unfolding that day, I summarized them in a document which went to some colleagues in the UK. This is what I wrote:

September 11, 2001: The United States has been attacked for the first time since 1941.

About 8:30 a.m. two commercial aircraft were hijacked and crashed in to each of the World Trade Center towers. One was a Boeing 767 with 90 passengers and crew on-board. It left Boston for Los Angeles. The other originated from Dulles in Washington and had 60 passengers and crew.

A commuter plane was hijacked and crashed into the base of the Pentagon in Washington, DC. It passed through the outer walls into the inner ring. The Pentagon is burning and part has collapsed.

There is word that an explosion of some sort occurred at the Capitol.

A car bomb exploded outside the state department in Washington.

Here in Iowa, we responded with shock mixed with disbelief, and a little fear. In offices, televisions and radios collected stunned listeners one by one. Locally, a radio station has broken its news coverage to play The National Anthem. It brings tears to the eyes of some in the office.

As I write this, the radio is broadcasting that one of the World Trade towers has collapsed under its own weight. The northwest tower began leaning and collapsed two hours later. Thousands of people worked in the Towers, or in the neighboring area. The horrific destruction and loss of life is unimaginable.

All aircraft in the skies have been ordered to land immediately. The local airport is closed. Cars in the short-term parking lot are being moved to locations away from the terminal for security reasons.

A 747 that was unaccounted for was presumed hijacked. It may be the plane that crashed in western Pennsylvania near Pittsburgh. The crew, one can hope, died courageously to keep others from being killed on the ground.

All federal buildings in Washington have been ordered closed or moved to a more secure state. Across the country, other federal offices are being closed.

Middle Eastern terrorists are presumed responsible.

This is what they wrote back:

Dear Jonathan, We are very shocked of this terrible news. Our hearts ant thoughts are with you in those very difficult times. Nora, Alain
and all the Eider Team EIDER - 12 BD DU ROI - 78000 VERSAILLES - FRANCE

Dear Jonathan,
> So sorry to hear of what has been happening, it's horrific. It is all
> over the news here in the UK, new reports constantly coming through of
> more plane crashes in New York and Washington. Here in the UK, the
> London Stock Exchange is being evacuated, as a precaution. It's hard to
> believe that such large scale atrocities are really taking place - it's
> just not like real life. We are certainly all very concerned about you
> over there in the States - it must be terrifying. Are news reports
> keeping you fully up-to-date? I'll be back in touch if we hear any more
> at this end.
> Best Wishes from us all,
> Beth.

Dear Jonathan,
> How are you this morning?
> We were very relieved that no more atrocities took place overnight.
> However, it must be terrible to be facing the aftermath today. Often,
> the few days after a major terrorist attack are as terrible as the
> initial horror, as the full extent of injuries and damage becomes clear.
> Here in the UK, most television programmes were suspended yesterday
> evening to be replaced by ongoing news stories. This morning we are
> being told countless stories about individual victims of the atrocities
> - each one fills you with horror again, as the reality becomes clear. I
> can imagine that this must be all the more poignant for you over there.
> I hope that you have not personally lost anyone.

Best Wishes,
> Beth.

September 11 Email: Date

sept. 11 & Sept 12

September 11 Email: Subject

Re: Terrible News


“email485.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 8, 2024,