September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

News From Suz Brockmann, Romance Writer *** PO Box 5092, Wayland, MA 01778 9/14/01
9/15 BOOKSIGNING at Massachusetts Dedham Mall Waldenbooks is CANCELED

Suz Brockmann here. Saturday's booksigning for OVER THE EDGE at the Dedham Mall in Massachusetts has been canceled. Sorry this is so last minute, but when the attack first happened, the last thing I was thinking about was the upcoming booksigning.

I think we've all been focusing on the terrible tragedy and little else, so I'm sure you'll forgive me.

My apologies for giving those of my Boston area fans such late notice, but when I finally remembered I had a booksigning, I spent a great deal of time then trying to decide whether or not to cancel the event. I thought I might set up a table in the back of the store so I could meet with those of you on this list who'd already told me you were coming, but that way not seem as if I were attempting to "sell" the book to any foot traffic from the mall. I'm hyperaware that the subject matter of this book (terrorists hijack a commercial jet) is something that most people probably won't want to read about right now. And the last thing I want is for people to think I'm trying to "make good" on this terrible national tragedy. But yesterday I got a call from my editor informing me that Waldenbooks and B&N have canceled all events for the next two weeks, so the decision was taken out of my hands.

When I spoke to my editor, she told me that if I'd come to her with the events of the past few days as the plot of a book, she would have turned it down -- too unrealistic. I told her that when I did my research for OVER THE EDGE, I had to search to find an airport in Europe in which a terrorist hijacking could believably take place. (It would never happen in London, one of my contacts informed me.) I spoke to a number of people and read countless news articles before deciding on Athens as my point of origin for my hijacked plane. Little did I realize that there was another such airport -- Logan in Boston -- right in my own backyard.

My heart is with all of my friends and fans in New York and Washington, D.C., and across the country who have lost loved ones in this attack.

My prayers and thoughts are with each and every one of YOU today, too. Not just my American friends and fans, but ALL freedom loving people around the world. Because this attack was on all of us, and this war against terrorism is one that we must all commit to fighting with all of our hearts.

The hatred must stop. The evil of terrorism must be cut out of our lives like the cancer that it is, so that innocent people of all races and religions all around the world can lives their lives in peace and harmony.

With love and hope for a brighter future,

P.S. If possible, please assist by posting the news of the cancellation of this booksigning onto BB's and romance lists. Thanks so very much.

September 11 Email: Date


September 11 Email: Subject

News from Suz: 9/14/01


“email833.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 6, 2024,