September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

To my dear firends, teachers and students in the U.S.A:

As we the people outside the U.S.A. watch appalled and horrified the unfolding of the catastrophic events that took place recently. I can not help but to write to all the people I your country I have been blessed to interact with one way or another to simply express my outrage, condolences and solidarity with the people of your country, any relatives or friends of you who might have suffered because of this cowardly attack.

The U.S.A. a country that treated myself and my family so well, is a great nation for many reasons, but those of us who have had the privilege to live and learn from it know for sure that, chief among all virtues, it is great for its very people.

I just want to tell you that you should rest assured that vast mayority of the people of the world who believe in freedom, democracy and justice for all is with you. We shall withness how you once again, become good example to the world, a good example for all us, specially in times like this. God bless America now and always.

My condolences to the American People and my solidarity with all of you.

Salvador Trevino and Family

Monterrey, Mexico

September 11 Email: Date

Tue 9/11/2001 2:53 PM

September 11 Email: Subject

From Monterrey, Mexico


“email59.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 3, 2024,