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September 11 Email: Body

> From: Peter
> Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 1:16 AM
> To: (company) distribution list
> Subject: World Trade Center
> To my colleagues at (Company Name).
> Suzanne and I were in our 1
> World Trade Center office on the 22nd floor at the time the airplane
> crashed into WTC #1. Our building was hit first and we were in the
> stairway on the 17th floor during evacuation when Tower #2 was victimized.
> I would like all of you to know that, by the "Grace of God", we are both
> safe. I made it to the Times Square Hilton after a 5 mile walk from the
> WTC area and I am safe. I also heard from a (company) source that Suzanne had
> called in that she was also safe. Regretfully, Suzanne and I became
> separated during the stampede when WTC #1 collapsed to the ground with
> smoke and other chemical substances flowing at great speeds throughout the
> lower Manhattan streets.
> The "twin" 100 plus story WTC Towers never had a chance. With this in
> mind, we must keep all of those brave WTC tenants and employees, New York
> City Firemen and Firewomen who either lost their lives or who are
> hospitalized in our prayers. Again, by the "Grace of God", Suzanne and I
> had made it to the ground floor of WTC #1 just prior to the remains of
> both buildings being completely leveled to their respective foundations.
> Suzanne was just miraculous by making certain that I was able to continue
> down the stairway during the tiring and scary evacuation. I will never
> forget her bravery. Again, Suzanne and I got separated when Tower #1
> collapsed during the period of time when everyone panicked and began to
> run away from the WTC scene.
> I humbly ask all of you, my (company) colleagues, to please keep approximately
> 200 NYC Fire Fighters in your prayers as they were the ones who were
> climbing the stairway in our tower to the upper floors as we were
> evacuating. I personally patted many of them on their shoulders as they
> passed by the two of us on the stairway, and I told each as I touched them
> that I loved them and that God would watch over them. These firefighters
> climbed the stairway in full uniform while carrying tanks on their backs
> and holding pick axes and other heavy tools which weighed them down
> significantly. I know that most of these soldiers perished as I had just
> spoken to them shortly before our WTC #1 Tower fell to the ground.
> I updated Mr. (company Owner) by phone not long after this tragedy. Suzanne and
> I appreciate his support and the concerns from all of you which he
> conveyed on your behalf.
> God Bless all of you.
> Peter
> Thanks,

September 11 Email: Date

Wednesday 9/12/2001 8:40a

September 11 Email: Subject

FW: World Trade Center


“email66.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 3, 2024,