September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body


I hope that my e-mail finds each and every one of you
safe and sound. I also hope that each of your
respective families and groups of friends are also
alive and well.

I have spoken to many of you over the past few days
either via telephone or e-mail. However, there are
still so many people to be reached. I just hope that
each of these distribution lists get to you and that
you can all check in.

As you may know, I work in mid-town Manhattan.
However, with a view of the World Trade Center right
down Sixth Avenue, it was emotionally frustrating to
see some of these events take place right before my
very eyes while knowing that there were so many people
trapped inside.

My best friend works in 2 World Trade Center, and
without knowing until about 4:00 pm Tuesday that he
had made it out safely, I was an emotional wreck.
Many other close friends of mine also made it out
safely. There are still a few unaccounted for,
however, and it is this uncertainty that is the most

Today, while watching CBS, I noticed a pretty Indian
girl on television holding up a photo to the camera.
At first, I didnt really acknowledge who this person
was. Then after taking a closer and more detailed
look at the photo she was holding, I almost dropped my
remote control. I realized that this girl was the
daughter of some very dear family friends. The photo
she was holding was an image of her and her brother.
He worked for Carr Futures. He was in his mid to
late twenties and was rising fast within the firm.
Had I not been watching television at that specific
moment, I would never have realized that, he too, was
unaccounted for, and most likely dead. The fact is,
there are too many people involved, and that makes it
very difficult to actually comprehend who we have
actually lost.

There is an eerie silence in Manhattan. In a city
that lives as if its on a constant adrenaline high,
everything is numb. The people look different, the
air smells strange and then, of course, there is that
eerie silence. I find that the New York attitude is
gone. People are actually letting the other person go
first, whether its at the ATM or at the local
Starbucks. In fact, instead of rushing to their
destinations, people are calmly walking. Whats the
rush? Why have we ever been in a rush?? Even traffic
looks and sounds different. Cab drivers are even
driving in an orderly fashion. In fact, Im almost
certain that I actually saw one of them use his
blinkers today.

I wish I could say that this level of stillness is
soothing, but it most certainly is not.

And as I write to you, I hear thunder slowly rumbling
in the distance. Its supposed to rain tonight. On
one end, that may be a good thing by helping calm down
some of the fires that continue to persist. On the
other end, the rain may also hamper the ongoing rescue

Tonight, I have also received numerous e-mails from
various people all across the United States. I have
been asked to forward this on to as many people as
possible. I strongly feel that if you were ever to
receive a forward, this would be one that you would
actually want. Its only a few lines long and I have
copied it below.

Please excuse the length of my e-mail, as I now
realize how long I have been writing for. But I felt
that it was important to write to all of you.

I send you all of my love and blessings, and ask that
you drop me a note, if even a short one, just to say
that you are safe, even if you live outside of the
NY/DC/PA areas.

With Love,

Uday *

- - - - - - - -

> Friday Night at 7:00 p.m. EST step out of your door,
> stop your car, or step out of your establishment and
> light a candle. We will show the world that
> Americans are strong and united together against
> terrorism.
> Please pass this to everyone on your e-mail list.
> We need to reach everyone across the United States
> quickly.
> Thank you.

September 11 Email: Date

Thu, 13 Sep 2001 22:35:39

September 11 Email: Subject

With Love, Uday *


“email297.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 6, 2024,