September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Hey- I just got out of bellevue. It is a pretty sick scene up here. The site of the towers burning and collapsing is just absolutely surreal. I'm doing cv at Tisch (our private hospital) but they sent all of us over to bellevue. It was pretty amazing. They had every big attending and all residents ready and waiting. One of the sick things was that there really weren't many true trauma patients. The er got a lot of smoke inhalation, asthma, chest pain stuff, but I was in the trauma slot all day and night, and we really only had about 8 or 9 true traumas.

No one is making it out alive. All of our patients were cops and fireman. People in the building won't be found for days. All of the cops and fireman are saying they lost all their partners and squad members and that there are dead rescue workers all over. I think most of the fire chiefs and police officials are all dead. We had one fireman who came in early after having someone jump about 30 stories and land on his head. He was in arrest when he was brought in - and his buddies were the ones who brought him in. It's probably the toughest thing I've ever scene, partly because of my admiration for firefighters. My best friend sean lost his brother in law it looks like.

I was worried for a while because my ex, lives one block from there, but she left her apartment about 10 minutes before it all happened. I think her apartment is gone. The whole scene up hear is just sickening.
To see the national guard driving down the FDR and lexington avenue and to see all the fbi agents outside the medical examiner's office is just crazy. I wish I was a few years ahead in my training and could have done a little more, but there wasn't really much for people to do. I'll try to give you a ring when I can.

September 11 Email: Date

September 12, 2001

September 11 Email: Subject


“email702.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 6, 2024,