September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

This was an e-mail from a friend in the midwest and my group response to her and others who sent similar e-mails:

Subject: You OK?
Date:Sept 12

Just checking to see if everything is ok. I know you work in the city, but I am praying that it wasn't in or near the WTC. Also, how is Steve doing? I don't recall the airline he works for, but he's probably been pretty shaken by the events. Keeping you both in my prayers.

Subject: Re: You OK?
Date: Sept 17

Hi Guys.
Thanks for checking in. Steve and I are both fine. Steve was flying over the Atlantic when it happened and he was diverted to Canada. He is not back yet, but hopefully today he will be home. I work about 20 blocks away and was walking to work when I saw the second plane hit (though at the time I did not really comprehend what I was seeing.)

I am a bit shaken and have had a difficult time being alone. I was supposed to go to work on Thursday and Friday, but couldn't get myself to get on the train. I think I will be better when I actually see Steve again, but I have a general sense of queasiness being in the city and I am shaky. I was too close and saw too much. Plus I had the added panic of Steve flying a 767 at the time and didn't hear that he was ok until 1 am the next morning. It has been a bad few days and I have retreated to my parents house often.

The sounds of the day are what have stuck with me -- sirens, jets, screams, people on the streets running, but not knowing what they were running from or where they were running to. It was really scary to be here. I think it will just take some time to get over all that.

But compared to many, I am fine.

I am wondering if anyone heard form Emilio? He works downtown.

Peace my friends.

September 11 Email: Date

sept 12 and Sept 17

September 11 Email: Subject

you ok?


“email522.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 6, 2024,