September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

From:"Nancy Albaugh"
Subject: Are you ready?
Date: Fri,14 Sep 2001

My dear Son,

I am bringing this letter to you as I watch the church service in Washington for the national day of remembrance. I hope you are being able to watch it, as all of our leaders pray for the right path to take to unite us all in to what is an inevitable conclusion to stop this terrorism that has been brought upon us.

Yes, it should have been stopped before. With each of the acts in the past, there should not have been warnings, sanctions, but stopping their acts in their tracks and showing the world that we mean business. But, that did not happen. Before, it was horrible when planes were hijacked, or blown out of the sky, when our people were taken hostage or tortured in another country. But now it has hit home. Now our counrty, our land that we hold so dear, our home, has taken a blow that will change our lives forever. I am angered that now this has to happen. Not now, when I have a son that I hold so dear to my heart serving our country. But it has happened and we cannot turn back the clock to 9/11 and change history, and something has to be done.

I pray you are ready son. I pray that you are strong enough to handle whatever is to come. That you have the courage, honor and love for your country that you will need. That you will stand by your faith in the Lord to guide you and help you accept your duties and responsibilities that are going to be facing you and your friends. And you will know that our thoughts, prayers and love are with you for every step you will have to take in the next three years. I need to know that you will be alright. That you can handle what is about to come. I need to know that you are behind our leaders, our president, and that you are ready both spiritually and mentally, so I can be too. So I can be alright also.

I am mailing you a CD, with a song from the past that meant alot to your brother when he was in the Army, God Bless the USA. I hope it brings you the strength that you need to face the challenges that you and your buddies are about to meet, and the knowledge that everyone in our country is supporting you and loving you with the rest of our soldiers. God be with you my son, as I know he will.

All our love,

From: "Keith Albaugh"
Subject: I am ready!
Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2001

Mom, Momma, Mommy, Lucy and all the other names I have said when I want to talk to you.

I AM READY! I was ready for this mentally and spiritually when I signed up for this job. The ARMY has done everything in it's power to prepare me for this physically. As it stands now all I'm doing is pulling guard but that might change some day. I want you all to know, this is what I have been preparing for since the day I left. War is my job. I am an army of one and I have become all that I could be. I have spent the last year studing for the hardest test I may never take. I love this country, this government, this flag, and all 250,000,000 plus people that stand behind it and I am more than happy to defend it and make that sorry peice of shit shed his life for his beliefs. I am an American soldier and NO ONE comes into my house and pushes us around. If it comes down to me being deployed, I am gonna do this job to the best of my abilities and I will come home safe.

I hope that sets your mind at ease and you are ok with this Mom. We just can't let it go without action and I am behind my Commander In Chief 110%.

I love you,
Desi (or Dusty, or heck Dad, even Bucky or Chief!)

Keith Dustin Albaugh

September 11 Email: Date

E-mail sent Sept. 14, 2001, answer received Sept. 15, 2001.

September 11 Email: Subject

Are you ready?


“email780.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 5, 2024,