September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

September 11, 2001

Dear Lukas Alexandre,

You were born only one week ago, yet the world your mother and I brought you in has forever changed today. The hate you know nothing of, the hate, which has characterized many aspects of humanitys history, the hate, which consumes and destroys us, the hate that takes life came today. The tragedy bestowed upon us, on this pleasant late summer day, has torn the very fabric of the North American society we live in. Its difficult for me to try and explain why 20 men, with such hate burning in their heart, chose to die and take with them so many innocent lives. Certainly, there are many experts, all of whom with plausible theories or explanations for such an act. As for me son, I am not an expert, I cant even understand the events themselves, led alone the reasons for their being. All I know is that many years ago, these men too were as you are today, innocent, carefree and with malice towards none. Yet today, the hate they came to embrace has consumed thousands. How am I to raise you without such hate creeping in your heart, when I am unable to forgive, and quietly hoping for such men to burn at the hands of a swift and brutal reprisal? How will I teach you that when given a chance, in many different ways, from most innocuous to most despicable, your fellow men can and will exercise this hate? I hope to raise in you one day a good man. I hope I will have the strength to teach you to cast aside this hate, to teach you to embrace your fellow man and most of all to teach you forgiveness. Today my son, the world has changed, let us hope that when it is your turn to help build it, you shall have the courage and strength to make it a better place than it has become September 11th, 2001.

Your Dad,

September 11 Email: Date

September 11 Email: Subject

September 11


“email303.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 6, 2024,