September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Sent to me by a friend who received this today from an eye witness:

Tuesday, September 11, 2001

Well, what a morning! I got up and came to the office, sat down and started
to sign on to my email when I heard a terrible explosion which I ignored
thinking that it was probably a car crash or one of those nitrogen tanks that
are all over the show in the streets.

My radio was on when the news broke and whilst I did not hear that it was a
plane that slammed into the Twin Towers, I did hear that there was a problem
there and I rushed outside of my office onto the boardwalk and saw that the
top of WTC1 was burning with clouds of smoke billowing out of the building.
What an ugly sight - an unobstructed view from my home and office across the
Hudson river, just one mile from where I was standing.

Words fail me and I cannot describe what it's like to see an aircraft crash
into a building. What it's like to stand and watch a building the size of
the WTC just collapse to the streets below. This is definitely absolutely
the most tragic morning I have ever experienced - and it's funny. Each
morning I pray that no matter what happens that day that God gives me the
strength to deal with the situation! Who knew that just 1 minutes after my
prayer this morning I would watch such a drama unfold, to watch people
jumping out of the 110 story building to their death, to see debris falling
off of the building to the streets below and to sense total chaos in lower

The screams from the people standing round me staring also in disbelief as
the moments unfolded. The ferries are pulling up on our shore of the Hudson
River even as I write to you helping people out of New York . . . and as the
feries pull closer to the shore, passengers are so hysterical, they're
jumping out of the boats into the Husdon. This is like a very bad movie
unfolding right before my eyes.

Considering that there are approximately 50 000 people that work in the World
Trade Center, and considering all the 1 000's of people around the buildings
in the streets below, not to mention the many buildings around the towers,
the loss of life this morning must be devistating. I just stood and watched
as people like me got up this morning and went to work and at 8:45am local
time, all hell broke loose . . .

Today like never before, after seeing what I have just seen, it is clear to
me that our lives are so fragile. Now more than ever before after what I
have seen this morning, there is no doubt in my mind that I will live each
moment as if it is my last, I will cherish every living moment and I hope
that you too will join me in living life to it's fullest.

If you love someone, tell them! If you care for someone, tell them! Make
peace with everyone around you! One minute later, it may be too late.


September 11 Email: Date

SEPTEMBER 11, 2002

September 11 Email: Subject



“email556.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 8, 2024,