September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Justin (7:07:06 PM): hi
Justin (7:07:19 PM): reverb is on hbo. thank god. so sick of news. black crowes are on. nice
Anna (7:08:01 PM): Justin, some things never change.
Justin (7:08:18 PM): what's that supposed to mean
Anna (7:09:08 PM): the whole country just practically fell apart and you're blabbin to me about what's on your tv
Justin (7:09:46 PM): fuck you. i've been watching this shit for two days and it's horrible. i'm not gonna watch it and make myself more upset
Anna (7:10:00 PM): I'm not making fun of you
Anna (7:10:05 PM): it's just a relief that some things are still the same
Justin (7:10:07 PM): still fuck you for judging me
Anna (7:11:19 PM): alright, fine then.
Justin (7:11:48 PM): so you're saying i'm a heartless bastard, right
Anna (7:12:43 PM): um, no.
Justin (7:14:18 PM): so then why you criticizing me for not talking about the same horrible shit i've heard about for the last two days, and wanting to think about something else for a while
Anna (7:14:39 PM): I don't know, I guess I didn't realize that you were affected as much as you are
Anna (7:16:32 PM): I'm sorry I upset you
Justin (7:16:33 PM): it's weird . i haven't seen anything with my own eyes except for some smoke and dust five miles away. doesn't really seem real just watching it on tv.
Justin (7:16:39 PM): whatever. no worries
Anna (7:16:44 PM): yes I don't think anyone realizes it is real
Anna (7:16:53 PM): Glenn and I were talking about how we wanted to go to NY to see it for ourselves
Justin (7:17:32 PM): the media just upsets me sometimes. it's just so repetitive. i know they're trying to help, but it's all conflicting and they really aren't saying anything
Anna (7:18:32 PM): they need to feel like they're doing something when in reality there's nothing new to report. people are looking to the media to fill them in on what's happening
Justin (7:18:48 PM): it's like brainwashing too with this bin laden shit. propaganda really. if they say they have proof he organized it then tell the people . otherwise it's just a witch hunt. he's an evil dude that should be stopped anyway...but whatever. the news is just ridiculous sometimes
Anna (7:19:25 PM): Glenn thinks it'll turn out to be him. most of the military officials that have gone on tv today seem to think it's him
Justin (7:20:12 PM): i guess, but give us some proof. maybe i'm too much of a pacifist, but it's alittle sick watching politicials drool at the mouth to go hurt more innocent people
Anna (7:22:37 PM): Bin Laden is not innocent, even if he had nothing to do with what's happening right now.
Anna (7:22:58 PM): he was responsible for the first WTC bombing, as well as the bombing of the USS Cole and the Embassy bombings.
Justin (7:24:15 PM): yeah that's what i said. he needs to be stopped regardless. to me it just seems like politicials make this shit up just to make us feel better. give us someone to hate to take the some of the blame off them for not doing more to stop this shit before it happens on our own soil
Anna (7:25:16 PM): well there's very little that the military could do to up the security of this country, because the average American doesn't want to see camouflaged soldiers with M16s walking around on the streets.
Anna (7:25:31 PM): the average citizen doesn't want to see that much military presence, so the military has been pushed back
Anna (7:25:46 PM): and do you think all those conspiracy theorists in West Virginia want to see soldiers on the streets? hell no
Justin (7:27:23 PM): yeah but airport security has always sucked. the industry that pays these security people minimum wage. and there's been lots of talk about a lack of initelligence.
Justin (7:27:58 PM): not to mention bush's complete lack of interest in the middle east peace talks prior to this
Anna (7:28:42 PM): it's true...
Justin (7:28:55 PM): and now they make up some shit like they know that the plane in PA was headed for the white house or his plane. that's bullshit. they don't know shit
Anna (7:29:17 PM): I agree that airport security sucks. why is it that whenever I go through Newark or O'Hare it's always some bored looking fat lady checking my bag
Justin (7:29:34 PM): cause she's making $6 an hour
Anna (7:29:41 PM): but the government can't do anything about it because it's the airlines' responsibility to provide security
Anna (7:29:45 PM): well... maybe not for much longer
Anna (7:30:27 PM): yeah I don't know how the plane could have been heading towards Air Force One. what were they going to do, chase it around the sky?
Justin (7:30:39 PM): yeah. it shouldn't be that way. the faa does some but not enough. they used to have plain clothed security on planes, but ended it years ago. not like it would have necessarily helped, but ...
Justin (7:31:01 PM): yeah i know
Anna (7:31:13 PM): people just started getting used to saying, "it can't happen to me" and started believing it
Justin (7:31:25 PM): true
Anna (7:31:49 PM): turn on ABC now
Justin (7:31:59 PM): k
Anna (7:32:11 PM): Peter Jennings is questioning how the White House could have been a target
Justin (7:32:52 PM): yeah. watching
Justin (7:33:35 PM): makes more sense to hit the pentagon than the white house
Justin (7:33:35 PM): they know bush isnt' there and more damage will be done if the pentagon gets hit
Justin (7:35:16 PM): so restless. it's weird not talking or seeing people in person in days
Justin (7:35:31 PM): people don't even talk or look at each other on the street
Anna (7:35:38 PM): really?
Justin (7:35:40 PM): there's nothing to say anymore really
Anna (7:35:44 PM): people here can't shut up about it
Justin (7:35:49 PM): yeah. it was eerie going to work
Justin (7:36:07 PM): no bagel carts or lines of people. small group watching the tv's in times square
Justin (7:36:13 PM): checking ID at work and shit
Justin (7:36:25 PM): it's quite and solemn everywhere
Anna (7:36:55 PM): yes that's what everyone I've been talking to has been saying... I feel so alone here because I'm mourning by myself... the people here are upset but not on such a personal level
Justin (7:37:59 PM): yeah i feel like i don't deserve to mourn on a personal level. guess i'm just lucky i don't know anyone down there. and i can't donate blood cause of my meds
Justin (7:37:00 PM): liz [lives] downtown [on 9th street] and says it feels like a war zone with all the military trucks driving by. no one is really supposed to be on the streets below 14th
Anna (7:37:54 PM): I can't donate blood because the banks here are full
Justin (7:38:02 PM): oh
Justin (7:38:06 PM): no bread or milk at the grocery store
Anna (7:38:10 PM): shit
Justin (7:38:27 PM): all the kids [living in NYU dorms near Wall Street] are displaced. most are at [the athletic center on campus] i believe
Anna (7:38:37 PM): huh.
Anna (7:38:39 PM): insane.
Anna (7:38:47 PM): I feel bad for freshmen that just moved into the city
Anna (7:38:51 PM): their parents must be freaking out
Justin (7:38:54 PM): movies are free at some theaters
Justin (7:38:56 PM): yeah
Anna (7:39:03 PM): huh, really
Anna (7:39:07 PM): which theatres
Justin (7:39:21 PM): i know UA 14th. liz went tonight
Anna (7:39:38 PM): that's really cool of them
Justin (7:43:22 PM): you going to work tomorrow i assume
Anna (7:44:36 PM): yeah I'm going back to work tomorrow
Justin (7:45:05 PM): more of a tom brokaw fan myself
Anna (7:46:49 PM): damn
Justin (7:48:17 PM): i think rudy should stay mayor till this is all over. even if it's like 3 years from now
Anna (7:48:27 PM): he's a damn good mayor
Anna (7:48:38 PM): he's like the dad telling everyone that it's all going to be ok
Anna (7:48:49 PM): and I believe him every time he says it
Justin (7:49:24 PM): yeah. i love that tyrant rudy
Justin (7:50:07 PM): he always does what he thinks is best and doesn't let anyone second guess him. very good leader
Anna (7:50:31 PM): right
Justin (7:51:13 PM): i think it will suck when i go to washington square and don't see the towers.
Justin (7:51:45 PM): the park was so beautiful down there. they did a really awesome job in batery park. i was just down there like 3 weeks ago
Anna (7:52:01 PM): I know
Anna (7:54:49 PM): freaky shit from the Internet:
Anna (7:54:50 PM): 11, 93, 175, and 77
11 = Today's Date
9+3 = 12 = Tomorrow
1+7+5 = 13 = Thursday
7+7 = 14 = Friday
Anna (7:58:09 PM): yeah those were the flight #s
Justin (7:58:49 PM): that is weird
Anna (7:59:27 PM): Peter Jennings is interviewing an NY doctor who says there is probably asbestos floating around in the air
Justin (7:59:44 PM): they said that , then rudy said there wasn't. who knows
Justin (8:01:52 PM): you know something is wrong when mtv is playing music videos
Anna (8:03:02 PM): oh my god
Justin (8:12:18 PM): you ever go to windows on the world
Anna (8:14:10 PM): yes I've been to windows on the world several times
Justin (8:14:32 PM): wow. i never went
Anna (8:14:46 PM): really?
Anna (8:14:52 PM): you could see my apartment in Jersey City from there
Justin (8:16:29 PM): wow. probably my house in jersey. almost
Justin (8:16:41 PM): maybe the golf course
Anna (8:16:59 PM): what golf course?
Justin (8:17:40 PM): behind my house
Justin (8:20:22 PM): i don't get why they didn't call the buildling architect and engineer right away and ask ' is this buildling going to fall and in how long' cause they knew. then they could have gotten more people out of the way
Anna (8:21:04 PM): they didn't think it would fall... the building itself withstood the blow, it's the fire that made it fall. the fire melted the steel. no one had thought of that
Justin (8:21:39 PM): they interviewed the engineer and he knew it would fall.
Justin (8:22:14 PM): it's just math. the fire was too hot and would melt the steel in an hour
Anna (8:22:38 PM): a lot of people got out though. it seems like everyone either walked out on their own, or got killed
Anna (8:23:10 PM): the people who got killed -- other than the firemen -- were on the upper floors and either couldn't get out because they were above the plane crashes, or they didn't have time to get out
Justin (8:23:12 PM): jsut all those fire fighters inside the buildling. trying to get hoses up 70 flights of stares
Justin (8:23:27 PM): stairs i guess
Anna (8:23:27 PM): a guy was on the news today saying it took a half hour to get down 80 flights of stairs
Justin (8:24:23 PM): yeah.
Justin (8:25:41 PM): this former secretary of state is tearing into geraldo
Anna (8:25:58 PM): who, Kissinger?
Justin (8:26:15 PM): no, eagle something
Justin (8:27:00 PM): he's saying go at em now too
Justin (8:27:27 PM): and we are justified being drastic because it's war and that's an excuse to things we wouldn't ordinarily do. makes sense i guess
Anna (8:29:38 PM): I start my new yoga classes tomorrow morning. I feel like not doing anything but I guess I have to get on with my life... what else is there to do
Justin (8:32:18 PM): I feel rather removed from everything really
Justin (8:32:19 PM): like i might as well have been in another city. since all i've seen is on tv. but seeing people on the streets and the dead calm is eerie
Justin (8:32:21 PM): these reporters are really endagering their health trying to get career breaks
Justin (8:32:39 PM): now they're going back to saying asbestos. yesterday they did tests and it was safe. now they say there is asbestos
Anna (8:32:43 PM): I know. it's sick
Anna (8:32:49 PM): (about the reporters)
Justin (8:33:50 PM): yeah
Anna (8:34:01 PM): Peter Jennings says he can smell smoke over at W 66th st
Justin (8:35:07 PM): really. hmmm??
Justin (8:36:10 PM): they're scared one penn plaza might go
Anna (8:36:29 PM): why, because of the earthquake like reverberations?
Justin (8:36:31 PM): yeah no shit
Justin (8:37:01 PM): yeah i think there was a fire there earlier and it was buckling
Justin (8:38:38 PM): once all the human tolls are added up people will really talk about how tragic the architectual loss is.
Anna (8:39:33 PM): they already are
Anna (8:39:51 PM): because no one knows what the human toll is yet so that's all they have to talk about
Justin (8:40:08 PM): yeah. you can tell they're not talking about it too much out of respect for people and families
Anna (8:40:53 PM): right
Justin (8:40:56 PM): 400 million in 1970 to build. probably worth over 2 billion now. and 50,000 people don't have jobs now
Anna (8:41:16 PM): there's supposed to be $15 billion of insurance claims
Justin (8:43:12 PM): curbside check in . is shady
Anna (8:43:38 PM): yeah I know. people are so pissed that air travel takes so long but then they're risking their own safety
Justin (8:43:46 PM): you can smile and tip those guys and they'll do anything
Anna (8:43:49 PM): by not wanting to spend time having their bags checked
Justin (8:44:36 PM): they just tried lowering prices and it was nice but now they will have to increase prices to support the security
Anna (8:45:12 PM): I think air travel is going to drop significantly. people are going to be taking trains, buses, driving themselves
Justin (8:45:54 PM): yeah. i gotta fly in two weeks.
Justin (8:45:56 PM): gulp
Anna (8:46:13 PM): say hi to the national guardsmen at the airport for me
Justin (8:46:16 PM): i will
Justin (8:46:23 PM): what's that line in fight club. that life insurance pays double if you die in a business trip
Justin (8:50:44 PM): just to change the subject.
Justin (8:50:56 PM): a tasteless billboard went up in times square if you ask me
Justin (8:51:18 PM): britney pepsi add. it looks like you can see the side strap of her thong or something.
Justin (8:51:37 PM): and it sais, 'pepsi, proud sponsor of the times square beautification project'
Anna (8:52:00 PM): I can't stand her
Anna (8:53:08 PM): I'm going to go to bed... gotta be doing yoga in 9 hours
Justin (8:53:20 PM): oh good luck. good night
Anna (8:53:23 PM): goodnight

September 11 Email: Date

September 12, 2001

September 11 Email: Subject


“email596.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 7, 2024,