September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Apple Flag Pin, Rhinestones

I had been searching for a Big Apple pin with flag design and missed out on a pretty one that had gone for $37.99 + $1.00 shipping. I contacted the seller to see if she had more of them but she was completely out. However, she was expecting some in and asked me how much I wanted to pay for it. I asked her if $25 would be okay.

Subi: Re: Question for seller --Item #1643530108
Date: 1011/01 7:55:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Annaleaves
To: Kathrowe

Hi. I was thinking more like $12, and you pay the shipping. Is this fair? I am off and running for the next couple days. If I e-mail you Weds. where do you want me to e-mail you, then I can put it on late at night weds. around 11pm est. You could get it then.

Upstate New York

Navy Houndstooth Suit

Original Message --
From: kathrowe
To: jordan 1
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 5:33 PM
Subject: Question for seller - Item #1637113784

Hello, Vicki.

My payment went into the mail today. I don't know whether there's still a problem with mail, but if the postal service is up and running again, you should have it in a day or two since I mailed it from Manhattan and it's usually delivered pretty fast from there.

Sincerely, Kathleen

Subi: Re: Question for seller -~ Item #1637113784
Date: 9117101 6:30:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: jordanl
To: kathrowe

Thanks kathleen, that's not a problem either way. I guess I didn't even say anything to you before about your living in N.Y. It sounds as if you are right in the heart of everything. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you out there! I hope you and yours are all safe. It has been amazing to see the outpouring of support and kindness in this terrible tragedy. I only wish we all could remember to stop and take the time to do the little things that are so important - everyday. Thanks and GOD BLESS AMERICA!

PS I am about 15 minutes away from where the 4th plane went down, in Somerset, PA and my husband was in Arlington, VA. just minutes from the Pentagon when the plane hit there. I think everyone is touched by this in one way or another.


Original Message --
From: Kathrowe
To: jordan I
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 8:09 PM
Subject: Coal Miners in Somerset

Hello, Vicki.

I doubt you'd remember me but I'm from New York and I bought a suit from you on eBay last September.

I kept thinking of you this week while the coal miners were trapped down there. Found one of the e-mails we exchanged today so I could write and say I hope that none of your family or friends were down there. What a relief to see the last man pulled up at 3:00 a.m. this morning. I couldn't go to bed until I saw him come up with my own eyes.

My sister and I were partly raised in Glen Lyon, Pennsylvania near Wilkes-Barre. Our grandfather and all five of our uncles were coal miners, so we are well experienced with how it is when there's a mining accident. Our Uncle Benny was pinned by a boulder years ago. Luckily, they got him out with crushed ribs but no other permanent damage (except Black Lung, of course. They all had it then).

My best wishes to you and yours. So glad that this event in your area had a happy ending.

New York

Subj: Re: Coal Miners in Somerset
Date: 8/31/02 9:28:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: jordanl
To: Kathrowe

Hi Kathleen!

It was so nice to hear from you and a little crazy too! I was going through a box of things from my office desk today and found an email from you that I had printed out. I was thinking about you and wondering how everything was going for you and your family, nearly a year later. Then I was checking my email and realized that I had email from several days ago that I never even looked at. There was an email from you... .it was a little spooky... but, not in a bad way! I hope that everything is going well for you and your family.

As tar as the miners, I have many family members who did work in the mines but, no longer do so. I do have an extremely close relationship with the UMWA and District 2, they are all personal friends and my feelings of the trapped miners were just the same as yours, I had to sit right in front of the TV until I saw each and every man being pulled to safety. WHAT A WONDERFUL FEELING and such a happy ending!!! (for a change!!) Now at least Somerset has something positive to be remembered by - other then only the 9/11 tragedy. I will write again - just wanted to drop you a quick note but, must run for now. Keep in touch and take care!

Sincerely, Vicki

Proud to Be American T-Shirt

Subj: Proud to Be American
Date: 1011710i 5:58:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Kathrowe
To: prcortx
To: berneck,archer72,ThomasEck
To: Veck,fog92
To: rnalk, momdadfog
To: LGoldstin, Groty
To: Goldiekitty, lugantomt
To: Dorothy k 2000, RlDGE, dogbody
To: jetlady
To: shlokmom, Statemankrn
To: CStnonac, Krntdiver, UniqueLAV
To: Msdeml999
BCC: Support@eBay corn

Today my sister Loretta bought a great looking tee shirt on eBay that said "Proud to Be American" and it had a beautiful fierce eagle, draped flag, beautiful script, etc. She dropped a note to the buyer to let her know that she had paid for it instantly with Bill point. Here's her quick note--and you've got to read the seller's response.

"Good morning, Just a note to let you know that I paid for this great looking tee shirt this morningby
Loretta "

Seller's Response;


Thank you for purchasing this tee shirt. You won't be disappointed But l
am refunding all your money including the shipping. I know this is small but I really wanted to do something for the people of New York. While I can't do something for everyone, I can do it for you. What were the chances that this shirt would end up in New York? Wear it with pride and know that I am one of many who has wept for those unknown individuals touched by the tragedy of the terrorism attack. I know none of them personally & will probably never meet any of the survivors. But I am one proud American who has been forever changed. We are no longer separated by color or race - we are all Americans who stand together as one!

Ohio "

Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 200110:06 AM
To: circlepacres
Subject: Re: eBay End of Auction - Item # 1648165738 Proud to be AMERICAN tee shirt...

Dear Karla,

I am overwhelmed by your generosity, which has moved me to tears. While I, myself, have been safe, some of my family members have been directly affected. My godchild, who works at the World Financial Center, directly across the street from WTC, had to run, with some of his friends and coworkers, to leave the area. When they stopped and looked back, my nephew saw ten people fall or jump from the second Tower to their deaths. He put up six guys from work overnight. They had to walk uptown to his apartment, which is near mine. One of his friends lost a brother and his best friend, and if that isn't bad enough, he saw the plane crash into the building. The brother and friend worked for the firm that lost over 700 people.

My niece had an appointment scheduled for an interview at the Trade center for the following week. The interview was with the Fire Department and the job was a recruiter.

Another ebay seller, from San Francisco, was so upset by what happened in NY, he sent me six sets of nesting dolls and asked me to give them to children who have lost a parent. So, my sister brought the dolls to the fire station near where she works. They lost 11 firefighters.

It means a lot to us New Yorkers (especially the natives, like me) when people tell us how much they care.

Karla, I'm disabled with multiple sclerosis and had to stop working ten years ago. So, your generous spirit has soared to the right place!

Gratefully yours, Loretta

From: circlepacres
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 9:33 PM
Subject: Re: eBay End of Auction - Item # 1648165738 (Proud to be AMERICAN tee shirt


I sit here in tears reading your reply. What I have done for you is great in your eyes but trust me, it seems like not enough to me. I know that we speak as one in this country, your loss is our loss. We all grieve.

I hope this shirt will lift your spirits every time you wear it & know that I will think of you forever and know that somewhere in New York there is at least a glimmer of hope that someday New York will be able to smile again!


From: Kathleen
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 200110:17 AM
To: Karla
Subject: Re: eBay End of Auction - Item # 1645165738 (Proud to be AMERICAN tee shirt

Dear Karla,

My sister Loretta just forwarded the e-mail you sent her.

I've been pretty stoic throughout this tragedy, but your note to her brought tears to my eyes. I can't tell you how much the support and caring of people like you from around America and the world has meant to us here in New York. It has kept us going no matter how we feel, and we're very grateful. Sometimes a sacrifice has to be made to bring the people of a nation together, and I think the sacrifice of all those innocent lives has done just that.

Thank you, and God bless.


From: Karla
To: Kathleen
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 9:39 PM
Subject: eBay End of Auction - Item # 1648165738 (Proud to be AMERICAN tee shirt

Thank you for your kind words. We all lost a little part of us when the WTC went down. We can be strong for those who need a shoulder to lean on - I wish I could personally thank every fireman and police officer from New York City who has given so much - physically and emotionally. They are forever changed. And so are we who are not even there. I don't know where the strength comes from for them to keep on keeping on.
I hope your sister is uplifted in spirit - this is a beautiful tee shirt.

From: Kathleen
To: Karla
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 8:51 AM
Subject: Proud to be AMERICAN tee shirt

Dear Karla,

Not only is my sister's spirit uplifted, but I shared your note with the ladies at my office and every one of them was not only choked up, but feeling so comforted by the personal caring and love that you gave. One said, "You know, you hear about the big things being done, but it's the little, personal things like this that you really need to hear about--and that you'll never forget. This is so wonderful."

Yes, it is a beautiful tee shirt. I should tell you that my sister has multiple sclerosis and is totally unable to walk anymore. Since her husband died two and a half years ago, she must depend on 24-hour assistance from a health aide, and her world extends on the couch only as far as her arms can reach. A laptop computer is her contact with the world outside.

When she was well and working, Loretta always dressed with such good taste in fashion, whether at the office or "out on the town." Now, of course, she can't get dressed up but still cares very much about how she looks. When she's able to find a gorgeous tee like this one, she's thrilled. So, you did "double-duty" on this one, Karl a: not only did you provide a beautiful tee shirt, but a meaningful memory to go with it to someone who has more courage than anyone I've ever known.

My best to you and yours...


Subj: eBay Feedback left by Karla

Date: 10/18/01 10:57:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time
To: Kathrowe
One o£ the best ebay transactions I ever had--this lady's a gem!
and I got the shirt for nothing.

Subj: Re: Proud to Be American (KM M37255487C0KM)
Date: 10/1910112:12:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: (eBay Customer Support)
Reply-to: (eBay Customer Support)
To: Kathrowe


Thank you so much for writing in with this story. It is really heartwarming.

It is wonderful to think of the ways that our people have become more patriotic and kind to each other.

Thank you for caring. Good luck with all of your trading adventures. Regards,

Holly G.
eBay Customer Support

Your Personal Trading Community (tm)

From: "Karla "
To: "Kathleen "
Sent: Saturday, October20, 200110:41 AM
Subject: Re: Proud to be AMERICAN tee shirt


You know - fate works in wondrous ways. I don't know what your sister's financial status is and wouldn't care If she is a millionaire! I was so overwhelmed when I saw her address that I decided on the spot the shirt would be free. Of all the people in the United States that could have been on ebay & saw that shirt1 what was the remote possibility that a New Yorker would be the one to buy It? Of course, this entire transaction has left me in tears many times as I think about how small our world is & how a very tiny act of genuine goodwill could touch so many different people. That was never my intent and still isn't. It's just that we are all so intertwined in this world and we are all so fragile. Nobody really knows what our personal situations are and it is amazing to me that we can all become better by taking time to stop and smell the flowers. This is something very personal to me & I will never forget Loretta. Though we are separated by miles, we are very close in spirit. Of all that is going on in my life, I can still get my clothes on and walk outside & do most anything I want to do. We only need to look around to see how good we have it.

Thank you for taking time to write to me. I can tell you are a beautiful person because your beauty shines in your description of your sister. Loretta is very lucky.


Subj: Got the tee shirt from Karla
Date: 10/25/01 7:21:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time
To: Kathrowe
She sent me a check for the full amount, and on the bottom, wrote God Bless Every New Yorker!

September 11 Email: Date

September, 2001

September 11 Email: Subject

The Kindness of Strangers -- on eBay


“email204.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 5, 2024,