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September 11 Email: Body

Look, frankly, I think you just don't get enough exposure to the world outside your family and your local Muslim community to be able to distinguish between what is authentic and what is not. Before you get offended and shut out whatever I'm saying, just look at this as an example:

You wrote: >>>>>"In fact the
purpose of the 1st wtc bombing had the effect of warning all the offices to
make back up files so that this time the building could be demolished and
none of the businesses have any great setbacks."<<<<

?? Businesses always make backup copies of everything, and larger businesses make double backup copies that are stored off-site. The design company I work in has only about 35 employees, and we not only put updated computerized copies of everything in storage on site and off site EVERY SINGLE DAY, we also store hard disks and paper/print items in bank vaults. This company has been around for 20 years and has always operated this way.

The reason companies do this is NOT because of the WTC bombing in 1993. It is because, since the beginning of time, fire and other natural disasters have been unlikely but real risks for everyone--and since technology has made copying easy in the last few decades, companies have used it as "insurance" to protect their business against risks. Governments and large corporations have been making computerized backup copies of everything for 40 years or more, and as computers spread to even the smallest businesses, the threats posed by (1) fire, flood & other natural disasters, (2) employee errors and sabotage, (3) computer errors and hacking, and (4) power failures that wipe hard disks blank, have inspired businesses to routinely make backup copies of everything and store copies of them on site and off-site.

So. The theory that the WTC bombing served the secret purpose of making businesses do something that they ALREADY DID as a matter of course is ridiculous. If you worked in business, you would know that. I'm not suggesting that you should go out and work in some corporation, but if you want the freedom to develop an accurate perspective, try and keep your "antennae" clear and open to messages from sources other than your personal community.

You wrote: >>>>>>"The other reasons I doubt
it could be Palestinians is because first of all, whenever they do a suicide
bombing they brag about it. And quite frankly, it takes a really intelligent
person as well as a lot of insider cooperation to be able to pull off that
attack, and I don't think some angry Arab would be able to do it."<<<<<

I don't think it was some angry Palestinian. (By the way, a Palestinian group did take "credit" for it in the first hour after it, but then retracted that). I think it was a joint effort, possibly or probably coordinated and funded by Osama Bin Laden. And the reason not to brag this time is because whoever is shown to have done this is going to get their country carpet-bombed. I don't think they expected it to do this much damage; I think they commandeered 4 planes in hopes of getting 1 of them through. Now that they see what happened and how the world is reacting--NATO and Pakistan have pledged their full military and moral support of US military action--they are looking for a rock to hide under, in hopes of not having their innocent families wiped out by our planes... which is what's going to end up happening. To each action there is an equal and opposite reaction...

You wrote: >>>>>>"Right now tanks have sealed
off the city of Jenin and soldiers are shooting randomly at pedestrians, and
no one can get out to take the wounded to the hospital. This morning 20
people had been killed, and houses continued to be bulldozed in Jerusalem."<<<<<<

So what's new? That happens all the time, it gets minimal media coverage (at best) all the time. You honestly think some "Zionist" would destroy the World Trade Center just to reduce coverage of such things from 1 column inch on page B-16 to 1/2 a column inch on page B-17?

>>>>>>"LaRouche, the economist, believes that some Masonic terrorist with links to
Britain and Israel hiding behind the anti-globalization movement was

LaRouche, the lunatic, also thinks that the anti-World Trade Organization protesters who got beaten up by cops in Seattle, Genoa, etc., are terrorists. Here's his web site article on that: (click on Breaking News, then on Jacobin Terrorists Target DC.") Quote:

"All reports from reliable sources indicate that the international terrorist movement which surfaced at Seattle, mobilized itself at Porto Alegre, Brazil, and created bloody violence at Genoa, is now taking aim at the U.S. nation's capital, Washington, D.C. It is extremely important that those elements of U.S. organized labor who have permitted their organizations to be entangled in sympathy for this terrorist gang, break openly from the operations already being prepared for the terrorist-style riots now being prepared for both the District of Columbia and areas of the adjoining states."

Do you agree with that? Or do you think he's a can or two short of a six-pack? I would go with the latter interpretation, which makes Mr. LaRouche a less than ideal source of information.

You wrote: >>>>>>>"All our lucrative telecommunications and banking industries have
already moved to Israel."<<<<<<<<<

Such as....? Any examples?


September 11 Email: Date

Thu, 13 Sep 2001 15:29:53 -0500 (EST)

September 11 Email: Subject

Re: speculation


“email371.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 6, 2024,