September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

I'm going to send one out to everyone right now...just so y'all know I'm okay and what my initial thoughts are.

I'm okay...I just got from home to Silver Spring (north point of DC) from downtown DC an hour ago...I only found out about everything when I arrived in the office around 10:00. I got in late today and had I turned on the TV before I left, I never would have went downtown. As soon as I got in the office, I knew something had happened. One of the lawyers asked if I had heard, and as he was explaining about the the Trade Center I didn't quite understand what I was hearing. It didn't seem I ran into an office where everyone was watching the television and saw a picture of the Pentagon and the World Trade Center up in smoke. My heart collapsed.

Immediatly, I knew I had to contact my mother...I knew she would be upset. To my terror, I couldn't call out on the office phone or on my cell phone....and then there were bad rumors coming in left and right, such as a couple of buildings a few blocks away being bombed such as the Old Executive Office Building and the State Department. To me, it seemed like the whole city was going to be going up in smoke...and who knew who was next. It all seemed surreal, but I settled down and realized that I would get out of the city as soon as was possible. I was almost afraid to look outside, based on all the things I was hearing on TV.

Eventually, I was able to get through to my friend Charlie DeLong who works a couple of blocks away. We decided we would start walking home, so I ran to Charlie's office and we walked up 16th street for a few miles. The scene outside was something out a movie....I can only explain it as a quiet nervousness. Most people were like drones, confusion on their face, unsuccessfully trying to get through on cell phones.

Eventually, I got a signal on my cell phone and had my roommate Lane pick us up...however traffic out of the city was horrible. To drive 3 miles took 45 minutes. I heard that the beltway around DC was gridlocked.

I'm watching the news now and hearing about the celebrations in the streets of Palestine. I'm not sure what is more sickening; the picture of the plane crashing into the Trade Center or these people celebrating something so sickening. This is our fault for ever trying to negotiate peace in the middle east with these savages...These people have no sense to peace and justice. To celebrate the destruction of the modern world's central nervous system, I simply can not conceive of a greater evil. I'm nervous to consider the fallout from this whole affair.

Anyway, I'm going to be getting out of this damn city sometime later today...getting away into the country side somewhere. I don't expect to be back into the office until Thursday...until then, I will keep my alert up and ears open.

I'll talk to you soon....


September 11 Email: Date


September 11 Email: Subject

DC - things are okay


“email422.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 3, 2024,