September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Hello Everyone!
> I can't believe I got signed onto the internet, as it is nearly impossible to get through on a telephone line. Our office was officially closed at 10:30 this morning and I carpooled with 3 other co-workers to get home - not about to take the subway. It took over 2 1/2 hours, but I'm
home safe and sound. We had to take all kinds of back roads to get around the Pentagon. This is so terrible and very strange. The only planes in the sky are fighter jets and I've been hearing sirens even from home.
When the news first came out about the first plane into the World Trade Center, several of us went down to the ground floor reception area where there is a very large TV screen built into the wall where we watched in horror as the second plane hit the second building. Shortly after that I returned to my desk on the 5th floor, I walked into my boss' office and saw smoke billowing from the Pentagon from his office window. That was when I felt the closest to panic, as my office is only 4 blocks from the White House and each story was getting worse and closer to home. Todd called me about that time (God bless him), and not long after that is when the decision was made to close our office building. The city was total gridlock. I was
lucky to be able to get into a carpool, as getting a cab would have been nearly impossible. The streets and sidewalks (also bridges) were solid people on foot trying to get out of the city.
After I got home, I dug out the old brochure from when Jack, Todd and I visited the World Trade Center Towers in New York several years ago. It was amazing to see. The front of the brochure says "The Closest Some of Us Will Ever Get to Heaven." It says that 50,000 people work in them. I spoke to my boss a little while ago and he tells me that the New York office of the U.S.-Mexico Chamber of Commerce had their offices in the World Trade Center (he is Chairman of that organization). That means we both know people in that building. He also has lawyer friends who worked in those buildings.
> Who knows what the rest of the week will be like. A special thanks to Pam and Judy for their voice mail messages to my house. I've been trying to get through on the telephone and all circuits are busy. I just heard that the President has landed at Offutt Air Force Base - is he coming to visit you, Betty?
> Love, Barbara

September 11 Email: Date

September 11, 2001

September 11 Email: Subject

This Terrible Day


“email931.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed June 26, 2024,