September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

I am sure that we are all aware of the terrible events that took place yesterday. I would encourage people to do whatever they can do to help. I plan go with my whole family tomorrow to donate blood, which is the only thing that I can think of to do right now. If any of you had family or friends in or around NYC or on any flights, my thoughts and prayers are with them and I hope that they are safe.

I am still incredibly angry over yesterdays tragedy. If we are truly the most powerful nation on Earth, than I say it is time to flex some of that muscle. Obliterate those responsible. Lay waste to major cities. Men, women, children, pets and any living thing in the countries that harbor these terrorists should be absolutely, 100% obliterated. Anything less than a deep smoking crater will not satisfy me. Personally, I would advocate the use of nuclear weapons. Show them what the consequences of their actions are. If we set a precedent, that the US will respond to ALL terrorist attacks with absolute and overwhelming force, these terrorists will slowly lose their places to hide. Tell Afghanistan (or whatever country is harboring terrorists) that they have 1 week to hand over the terrorists, or we start bombing, and we will not stop until we have the terrorists or everyone is dead, whichever comes first.

In the midst of this terrible, terrible tragedy I am reminded of how truly great this country and it's people are. Despite all the horrifying things on TV yesterday, there were some good things too. People risking their lives to help total strangers. Firefighters and police officers running into a burning and collapsing building trying to save everyone they can. People all over the country waiting for hours at a time to give blood. My family and I are going to all go down tomorrow to give blood. Yesterday we put our petty differences aside, we were not black or white, Democrat or Republican, we were all Americans united in one cause in the face of unbelievable destruction. That is why this country is great and we will prevail, one way or the other. This country is great and I am willing to sacrifice and to die to protect what it stands for.

I am done preaching now, I had to get this off my chest.

September 11 Email: Date


September 11 Email: Subject

Reflections on yesterday


“email498.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 29, 2024,