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September 11 Email: Body


I'm not sure how to respond or if any attempt should be made. I agree with your Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder when he called this a ''declaration of war against the civilized world." We greatly appreciate the support and solidarity offered by the world. But this is indeed an attack on the U. S. first, then the world in general.

I believe your heart is in the right place. I understand your concerns that we may respond to this act of aggression with the precision of a shotgun. I sympathize with your fears of the innocents that may get caught in such a cross fire. Let me assure you that your dread of the American might is justified! Let those who would stand against us also feel this horror, for they are backing the wrong horse. But fear not my German friend. We have gotten very good at sharp shooting. Just look at Desert Storm and think of how much tighter our aim has become since.

With all that is going on, we will look for and accept the assistance of our friends. We take Prime Minister Tony Blair at his word when he said Britain stood shoulder to shoulder with its U.S. friends. With the words of Russian President Vladimir Putin who said: ``Such an inhuman act must not go unpunished. The entire international community should unite in the struggle against terrorism '', we know we are not in this alone.

Lastly, America is not so blinded by our sense of greatness that we fail to recognize that, like most of the powerful nations of the world, we too have committed atrocities. For them we have come to express regret. But I do not see any Sioux or Apache dancing in the streets.

To the terrorist of the world I say, be afraid, be very afraid. We know who you are.


At 12:59 PM 09/12/2001 +0200, you wrote:
>beeing a (former West) German and having worked for 15+ Years at the
>Forefront of NATO Defense (remember that it was us West Germans who kept
>their Asses closest to the Iron Fence) and now again, let me ask some Guys
>to switch on their Brain first:
>1) is there just "America" under Attack - or the Free World in total?
>That´s Freedom and Democracy, isn´t it?
>- including Europe, Democratic Nations of Far East (what about Taiwan?),
>and so on. Just think of "La Belle" at Berlin
>2) otherwise just some East Coast States would have been affected - neither
>the West Coast nor the Midwest:
>don´t think the Californians are happy now - so aren´t we Europeans!
>(we are much closer to some rogue Regions than CONUS)
>3) America spans from Cape Hoorn to the Hudson Bay - does somebody want to
>limit the Terrorists´ Danger to just the U.S.?
>4) don´t mix up Pearl Harbour with Manhattan:
>while the one was limited to Military Installations and so War, the other
>is against innocent / non-combattant Civilians and so a terroristic Attack
>if You don´t understand this Difference, You will go to cure the Illness
>using the wrong Treatment! And so never ever have Success!!!! Just more
>Shit in the Bowl!
>(I´m VERY afraid that some high-ranking U.S. Officials will exactly
>accomplish this Mistake)
>There is by the Way a good (not the only) Example of an earlier Mass
>Murdering of innocent Civilians: just think of Dresden Spring 1945
>5) if You visit the Smithsonian and look for the History of the U.S., You
>don´t find the pre-columbian Era at the Museum of American History: You´ll
>discover the Sioux, Apache and so on in - the other Museum responsible to
>Animal like Monkeys, Birds and so on! Could it be that this one Attitude
>which becomes visible here and is visible in the Treatment of many nowadays
>People of NON-CONUS (and is the absolute Opposite to a living equal
>Partnership Relation - well, that doesn´t apply to the NATO Countries of
>Europe such as Germany) may somehow contribute to what has happened?
>(it´s easy to send some Cruise Missiles to Afghanistan or whereever the
>Sources of Terrorism will be discovered - but does such solve the Problem
>on the Long Term? Or what other Means may be better suitable to accomplish
>Don´t understand me wrong: I´m one of the first when it comes to apply
>Force - possible on an surgical Way. But what could be done earlier to
>reduce the Amount of Necessity for such?
>GOD bless the Free World - all of us
>Egmar, Munich, Germany
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September 11 Email: Date

10:09 AM 09/12/2001

September 11 Email: Subject

Re: America (?) under Attack


“email69.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 6, 2024,