September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Outwardly at least, the city has returned to normal. Traffic, human and vehicular, was normal this morning. There were no Guardsmen to be seen and I heard no sirens. It was like last Monday morning. Too bad the normalcy is just a facade.

There have been a number of jackasses who have called in bomb threats to buildings downtown. I'm sure the same is going on in other cities. On Friday I was walking by when both the Interamerican Development Bank and a hotel near here were evacuated due to threats.

The IMF and World Bank were due to have meeting here later this month. I don't know if the meetings are still on, but if they are it will be very interesting to see what happens in terms of demonstrations and security reactions to the demonstrations.

From talking to people, I have found that most have gotten over the initial shock and their thoughts are moving on to what comes next both in terms of military action and in terms of possible future attacks. The main feeling is one of tension and nervousness, but neither so strong that people aren't going about their lives. My boss says the tension reminds her of after the OJ Simpson verdict.

I find myself getting nervous whenever I hear an aircraft pass by. Last week as I was walking out of the building an aircraft passed overhead and a fire siren went off at the same time. I didn't feel calm again until I saw that the aircraft was a helicopter and the siren had faded away. I have to admit, after reading an article in the Post about how airborne bioagents could be released I ordered some face masks from Then I realized (of course after my opportunity to cancel the order) that firstly it probably isn't of the quality that could stop bioagents and secondly that there wouldn't be warning - unless I took to wearing it all the time (not a fashion statement I want to make) it wouldn't do much good. So, I'll be set if I want to do some sawing or spraypainting. Hey, at least I didn't go out and buy a respirator. :)

But don't think I'm totally losing it here. Yes, there some not-so-nice scenarios going through my head, but they aren't unfounded, and I am going about my life as usual. OK, perhaps I am a little more wild eyed than usual. :)

Hope you all aren't feeling too wild eyed.


September 11 Email: Date


September 11 Email: Subject

Washington DC, Sept 17, 2001


“email346.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 6, 2024,