September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

To all who will never forget:
How many of us were not at our desks in WTC on that day? By some quirk of fate, we were late, on an errand, out ill, or on vacation. We think how would I have been affected? What would I have done? What difference could I have made? I am certainly among this group. Through a "lucky break" of my son's leg, I was still at home when the plane struck. I was the one who answered the phone when my best friend's wife called to alert my wife of the first crash. You see Stu worked for Cantor Fitzgerald in the north tower. I worked in the south tower for Morgan Stanley. Had I been there, I would have called him. Whenever anything happened there, we watched out for each other, like the subway fire which forced people out of the concourse. I called him to get out of the building. Instead, I like so many others just watched events unfold. Then, I started calling vendors to prepare for business continuity because having been through the '93 WTC bombing, I know that business continues to go on. Or maybe it was I wanted not to think about what was happening to my friend and my work friends. Yes, some heroically marched into the buildings. But most heroically went through the events of 9/11 because they were doing their jobs. They get little glory. They get almost no fanfare because we can't document how they conducted themselves. Nonetheless, I know they were heros.
In the end, there is reality. We live it, we talk it, and we think about it every day for we have lost too many around us: friends, acquaintences, wives, husbands, strangers, and Stu.

September 11 Email: Date


September 11 Email: Subject

How many of us were not at our desks in WTC on that day?


“email200.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 5, 2024,