September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

George - how are things going back there today? From what we're hearing on the news, it sounds like things are pretty disrupted. Even here, things are weird. I'm hardly getting anything done, as I'm finding it is difficult to concentrate. I think the same must be true for others, as it seems like everything has slowed to a crawl. For instance, I'm getting almost no e-mail, and usually I get tons. I think many people are just shell-shocked. This is affecting everyone in one way or another. If nothing else, everyone knows someone who has been directly affected by the air transportation shut-down. It's especially weird for Chris, with the airports and air space all shut down. He's in a holding pattern to see if the FAA will lift any flight restrictions today (doesn't look like they will). As you can imagine, his boss (Wright's owner) is in quite a quandary with tons of hunters out in the field who were supposed to be picked up yesterday and today, and other hunters in town who were supposed to go out as well. Things are getting quite backed up. I'm a little concerned about how long people can get stranded in the field before getting picked up. I'm sure many of them are wondering why in the world their charter flights aren't coming to get them, especially when the weather is so beautiful right now. I wonder if they have noticed the complete absence of contrails in the sky? The ramifications of yesterday's events are indeed far-reaching in so many ways that people can't even conceive of. What a sad, sad time.

I had an awful realization this afternoon when I heard that they think the White House may have originally been on the terrorists' target list. I suddenly remembered that you were scheduled to be within a block of it all morning yesterday.

Please take care of yourself. Love, Greta

September 11 Email: Date

12-Sep-01 17:27:53 -0800

September 11 Email: Subject

How's Today


“email881.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 6, 2024,