September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Another quiet day in DC but the pace is picking up. There were more people on the Metro this morning, but not quite as many as usual. As I rode the escalator up at my stop at this end, I was struck by the lack of human noise. There were cars and the sounds of people walking, but very few were talking. Usually street vendors, kids selling papers and people handing out samples are standing around the top of the escalators calling out, hawking their goods. Today the kids and the sample people were not there. The street vendors were, but they were not even talking, much less shouting. The only noticeable, non-practical human noise that stood out was a homeless woman standing in a doorway singing a hymn. (Really. I'm not making this up for effect. But it does feel like I'm writing a scene for a movie)

National Guardsmen were still at the intersection, but they were not directing traffic. Their Humvee was parked on the grass in a corner of the park across the street from my office. They were at such an angle that should action be required, they could have driven into the street quickly. But when I walked by no one was in the drivers seat and the guy in the passenger's seat was reading the Post and drinking coffee. The guy must be terribly bored just hanging around on a streetcorner all day (or maybe not depending on what his regular job is) and I'm taking his relaxed posture as a sign that nothing is expected to happen. But there is a part of me that wanted him to be out of the car, walking around (or at least sitting in the car, looking around) being alert and watchful.

It just occurred to me -- with all of the construction and restoration that is going on in downtown DC, I sure hope that someone is watching the coming and going of the trucks and equipment. . .

Speaking of trucks, yesterday when I was out for lunch I saw a small convoy of National Guard humvees and trucks (with tires that would make a monster truck fan drool) going through the streets of DC escorted by DC police cars, their sirens going. As much as I hate to echo the cliche that it was like a movie, it really did seem like something out of "The Siege". (For those of you who don't know, The Siege is a movie that came out a few years ago about the aftermath of terrorist attacks in New York.)

I'm sure I'll be sending along more info and comments later.
My love to all of you.

September 11 Email: Date


September 11 Email: Subject

More from your reporter in DC


“email341.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 9, 2024,