September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Hi all - I'm OK in case you are wondering -- Manhattan is closed off as far as I can tell. I may have to stay over in Manhattan tonight. My coworkers and I could see the smoke from the Twin Towers after they were attacked - we could see
it all from our office windows. We are on the 22nd floor. We are about fifty blocks away. We can't leave the city. There are armed guards at 34th street not letting anyone go further downtown. One of the towers collapsed!!! I used to work in the building right next to the towers a few months ago. This is all very scary. The subways must be closed as well. As you must know by now, the Pentagon and Capital Hill have also been attacked. It is amazing to be living through this IN MANHATTAN AT THE SAME TIME. I was here in NY when they bombed the Towers back in '93 I think it was. Anyway, this is too surreal. Feels like a movie. The fact that one of the towers collapsed is really freaking me out. Sorry for jabbering on like this. I love you all. OK - just heard the second tower went - just looked at the smoke from our windows. I'm sorry if I'm being crass about this. This is just too amazing. This is all too fucking much. Be safe all, I love you. -Heather

September 11 Email: Date

September 11th

September 11 Email: Subject

I'm OK


“email342.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 3, 2024,