September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Shana Tova, Rach!

I am going home to be with my mother for the holiday tonight, which is probably the best thing anyone could do for me. I really
need her right now, as I'm sure you can understand. I hope that you are doing well and that we can talk soon. Judy and I tried
very hard to call you, but relay was down.

I have to get to work now -- first day back since Tues morning, and I am relieved to be able to go back to something close to

Love you,


----Original Message Follows----
From: rdubin
Subject: v'yashvu ish tachat gafno....
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 16:29:17 -0400
Hi Em,
In the spirit of today's National Day of Prayer and Remembrance, here are some
passages from the good old Gates of Prayer I found this morning that I felt
were very appropriate. See below and enjoy.
Somehow, the old Song of the Partisans--you know, Zog Nit Keynmol--takes on a
whole new meaning now. Indeed..."Never say that there is only death for you,
because leaden clouds hide skies of blue/The time we've longed for will at
last draw near/And our steps, as drums will sound, WE ARE HERE/ From land all
green with palms to lands all white with snow/We arrive with our pain, our
anguish and our woe/And where our blood sprayed out and came to touch the
land/There our courage and our faith will rise and stand..."
Stay safe and let me know how you're doing, and let me know what else I can do
to help you and Judes.
from GOP pp. 80-81
Eternal Source of knowledge, You have endowed us with reason and
understanding. We pray now for the light of Your truth, for insight into Your
ways, and for the strength to banish from our hearts every desire and thought
of evil.
> Forgive our sins, pardon our failings, and help us to remove suffering
and sorrow from our midst.
May those who have lost their way come again to know Your love, and turn to
You in newness of heart; and let those who love goodness and do justly rejoice
in the knowledge of Your favor.
> Bless our land with plenty and our nation with peace. May righteousness
abide with us, and virtue bring us happiness. Blessed is the Holy One,
who hearkens to prayer.
ADONAI our God, Creator of all the world, You have blessed us with noble
powers: teach us to make wise use of them. You have called us to be Your
partners in the work of creation, and we thank You for the power to choose a
life devoted to Your service, dedicated to the well-being of those around us.
May all that we do bring nearer the coming of Your dominion on earth.
> May all peoples find their way to establish peace on earth. Let them
cultivate that good will which alone can bring enduring peace.
Let the nations realize that the triumphs of war turn to ashes, that justice
and right are better than conquest and dominion.
> May they come to see that it is not by might nor by power, but by Your
spirit that life prevails.
from GOP p. 89
The Gevurot litany
Your might, O God, is everlasting;
> Help us to use our strength for good and not for evil.
You are the Source of life and blessing;
> Help us to choose life for ourselves and our children.
You are the Support of the falling;
> Help us to lift up the fallen.
You are the Author of freedom;
> Help us to set free the captive.
You are our Hope in death as in life;
> Help us to keep faith with those who sleep in the dust.
Your might, O God, is everlasting;
> Help us to use our strength for good.
from GOP p. 193
A Litany of Peace (or, the SPORK's creed)
O God, You have called us to peace, for You are Peace itself. May we have the
vision see that each of us, in some measure, can help to realize these aims:
Where there are ignorance and superstition,
> Let there be enlightenment and knowledge.
Where there are prejudice and hatred,
> Let there be acceptance and love.
Where there are fear and suspicion,
> Let there be confidence and trust.
Where there are tyranny and oppression,
> Let there be freedom and justice.
Where there are poverty and disease,
> Let there be prosperity and health.
Where there are strife and discord,
> Let there be harmony and peace.
And, finally, from our NFTY days,
V'yashvu ish tachat gafno
V'tachat t'einato
Ah v'ein machrid ah v'ein machrid
la la la la...
Lo yisa goi el goi cherev
Lo yilmedu od milchama
* * *
Livracha v'lo liklala
l'sova v'lo l'ratzon
livracha v'lo liklala ahhh...
l'chaim v'lo l'mavet l'chaim l'chaim
* * *
Not by might and not by power
But by spirit alone (--RUACH!)
Shall all people live in peace
The childrem dream,
The children sing,
And though their tears may fall,
We'll hear them call,
And another song will rise
And another song will rise
And another song will rise

September 11 Email: Date

received 9/17/01 8:57 am

September 11 Email: Subject

re: v'yashvu ish tachat gafno....


“email431.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 1, 2024,