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September 11 Email: Body

From: Cathy Rosenholtz <>
Date: Thu, Sep 13, 2001, 9:36 AM
To: Andreas Thode <>, Dad <>, Don & Murine Kaull <>, Troy Randall <>, Teri Homan <>, Nitza Rosario <>, Susannah Druck <>, Ralph Anderson <>, Nancy Ray <>, Mom <>, Maria Evans <>, Joel Ray <>, Joanne <>, Jim Mulcahy <>, Jeanine and Teri <>, Jennifer Nesbitt <>, Jan Jackson Druck <>, Gordon Lathrop <>
Subject: reflections - reality sinking in

Here is the note I posted to my Lutheran chat list this morning...

This morning the reality sunk in. I am a pastor in Queens, and my
colleague Bob Fritch and I have been ministering to our parishioners, so
far all of whom have been spared - we have heard their stories of
getting out of the World Trade Center, of seeing the second plane go in
with their own eyes, of people jumping from the towers, of running for
their lives. And yet, still, the whole thing has had an air of unreality
to it. Even in Queens, we have still been watching it on t.v. like the
rest of the country.

But then the wind shifted last night. Today, in my far northeastern
corner of Queens, the smell is pouring in my south facing windows. I
awoke to an unmistakable reality - a smell like a car fire, burning
electrical wires, burning paper, and another element that I do not want
to think about too much. It is absolutely overwhelming to realize that I
am breathing in the smell of two 110 story buildings being smashed,
burnt, and crushed to the ground filled with people.

May the Lord have mercy on us all.

Cathy Rosenholtz
Associate Pastor
Our Saviour Lutheran Church
Queens, NYC

September 11 Email: Date

Sept. 13, 2001

September 11 Email: Subject

Subject: reflections - reality sinking in


“email491.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 6, 2024,