September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

I want to thank everyone for the wonderful calls and prayers yesterday. I
was glad to see that none of you were hurt in the horror of yesterday's
events. While I find it difficult to deal with the things I saw just 20
blocks away from me with my own eyes I count myself as extraordinarily
lucky. I am blessed with the fact that I was not in either building with
an event or in a meeting. I am blessed that my friend Gail who works 200
yards away from the towers in the financial center is alive and
unhurt. And I thank God, for transferring my special friend Matt out of
firehouse in Brooklyn last Saturday (he was promoted in a strange timing
twist of fate). His old crew from Brooklyn did not do as well. The group
he would have been in charge of yesterday responded within 5 minutes of the
first plane impact. 3 of the 4 crew were inside the building when it
collapsed. The are presumed dead. The last, Tommy was blown back and
suffered a concussion. As I am sure you have heard there are so many more
firefighters who heroically rushed into the building are missing and or
dead. Please pray for my fire fighting friend, pray for those who called
them brothers and mostly pray for the families they left behind.
It startles me to think of all the people that I knew in those two
buildings. All the business that I have worked with through the years and
the people I know that are still unaccounted for. I can only hope died
quickly in such an awful event.
Strange sights and an eerie silence is in the city. The rink I play hockey
on is now a temporary morgue. How can life return to normalcy. The city
seems numb and those who have been touched simply walk in a daze. To look
at the skyline and no longer see the towers is to try and imagine looking
west in Colorado and no longer seeing the mountains. It just doesn't make
sense and it certainly doesn't feel real.
So once again, I am unharmed but not untouched. I love you all for your
thoughts and prayers. Please continue to pray for us all.

September 11 Email: Date


September 11 Email: Subject

A New Yorker reflects on teh events and gives thanks for loved ones


“email763.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 8, 2024,