September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body


It seems almost bizarre if not sacrilegious to come into work today like it is just another normal day. Paul Harvey said it best this morning. He said, Nothing has changed, yet everything has changed. As a nation we mourn the loss of life and the horror of the terrorist attack in New York and Washington. We mourn the deaths on the fourth plane that was hijacked yet did not get to its target. We wonder how many more planes were aimed at targets when they were all grounded. As individuals we wonder how this will change our lives.
What is sad is that mankind has been killing and hurting others every since that first man found out that a club could be used to beat someone over the head. Death and destruction are part of the human psyche. In other countries around the world people die nearly every day in terrorist attacks. We shake our heads and mutter about how crazy those people are, then we go about our business. Today we are shaking our heads over the loss of life in our country. The United States is the best country to exist on this planet and other people are jealous of that and want to destroy us.
If we let this terrorist attack change us from one of the most freedom loving countries in the world to an armed camp that trusts no one then the terrorists have won. We have to be vigilant. We have to try to insure the safety of our citizens but if we go to the extreme then the cure will be worse than the disease.
Already rumors are flying around the country. Everything from all the water being poisoned to gasoline going to five dollars a gallon. If those things happen then drastic action will have to be taken to correct the situation. But we cannot all stay at home, under our beds, drinking bottled water for the rest of our lives.
Say a prayer to the God you believe in for the comfort of the injured and the families of those who lost loved ones. Donate blood if you can. Stand tall and fly your flag if you have one. Hug your kids and tell your family you love them. Dont be one of those people who spread unfounded rumors. But do not let these cowards destroy your life and our country.
We are still the greatest nation on Earth. By the grace of God we will remain the greatest nation on Earth.

Ken Randell

September 11 Email: Date


September 11 Email: Subject

A thought


“email317.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 5, 2024,