September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Tom: I was late turning on the news this morning but just before 9 AM and saw that one of the twin towers at the World Trade Center was hit by a plane; then a few minutes later, another one hit - apparently hi-jacked planes - later the Pentagon was attacked too. They have been evacuating government buildings here. I don't know how all this security breeches have been made - it's unbelievable. Just heard a car bomb exploded outside the State Dept. I was outside a few minutes ago and heard USAF jets in the sky. It sounds like these movies some people like to watch. I would assume this is on RTE television. I was going to do alot of errands today but I will stay put. We are only 2 miles from the CIA so I hope there is no problem there. The latest I heard was that the two towers just collapsed. I am afraid we will be at war soon. All the airports in the USA are closed too. Is it Hussein getting back at the Bushes? This is a real crisis for Bush and us. He was in Florida and now is on his way back. This is awful. I am about ready to go down to Wintergreen.

I guess you should get the package soon. At the same time I mailed a big box to CA and they just got it last Friday. The US mail is so slow. Talk to you later.


Dear Agnes- Yesterday afternoon I entered a bar in the heart of Cork City to meet my Mum & Dad. I was met by silence as the customers were frozen watching TV. I was deeply shocked to learn of the attacks on NY, DC & PA .I still can't believe that this happened in America. Its hard to understand. Such an attack never had life in my imagination. It was frightening to watch the 2nd plane crash into the Tower & disappear inside it. I felt sick in my stomach. How could this happen in the Big Apple? Even more of a surprise was the attack on the Pentagon. When the World Trade Towers collapsed it was similar to the end of the Earth. Reports on RTE tell us that 10,000 people were killed in the Towers out of a total of 50,000 who were inside at the time. (How such a large number can fit into a building is a mystery to me but then I grew up in rural Ireland). I've seen photos of victims jumping from the Towers in todays paper trying to escape the fire, smoke & approaching death. One lady who was trapped towards the top of the WTC Towers said in a phone message: "We're f***ing dying up here". These words keep repeating in my mind as I guess its a motto of those who went through Hell & were tortured out of life. Titanic was nothing compared to this. Last night there were reports that the U.S. was bombing Kabul which I thought was way too shortly after the East Coast terror. Before America strikes back (at Who?) they obviously need to investigate every little detail & to think before shooting. Then they can get revenge. The evil terrorists had planned carefully & one wonders what have the FBI & CIA been doing? Some are talking about WW3 but I don't think this will happen. Maybe I'm wrong! Also in my opinion it'll be nearly impossible to identify the majority of the dead in NY (except I guess from dental records). Then I believe many will never be found as they've been blown to pieces. All that remains is ashes & dust. In Ireland most TV coverage has focused on the Towers. I saw the security on the roof of the White House & have heard of the warships & aircraft in the Atlantic (but the horse has already left the stable). After 6:10 Mass this evening I signed a book of condolences & next Friday is a national day of mourning on this island. All shops, schools & bars will be closed. We were delighted & relieved to hear from Noreen that you & all the family in the DC area are safe & well. Thank God. I suppose the U.S. will take years to heal the scars of this most evil of nightmares but life goes on just as it did after WW2, Vietnam & JFK. However this time its hard to describe & realize how deep the wounds are. No terrorism will ever defeat the power of the U.S.A. together with the EU. I hope there won't be a global war. I recieved an email from Robert Kyle whose daughter moved to NY last Sunday & is just across the river from the former WTC. She can clearly seen the disaster. Meaghan was in the WTC on Monday & her boyfriend just got a a new job 1 block away! They are very fortunate not to have been among the injured & dead victims. So lucky T.G.. I must finish now as I want to send an email to Robert, read todays paper & watch the latest on TV. I didn't recieve the package yet but as you said any day now. We'll have to wait & see the coming events unfold. President Bush has the responsibility of the World on his shoulders. Love Thomas XXX.

September 11 Email: Date

9/11 & 9/12

September 11 Email: Subject

Terrorism in NY-DC........Deeply Shocked


“email91.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 5, 2024,