September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Hi everyone,

Just a quick note to let y'all know that I'm OK. I've gotten emails from some
of you this morning and thought I should email everyone else at once. So,
here it is, and apologies to those of you who have already heard from me:

I'm OK. I'm in DC, in my condo. I opened my bedroom window for fresh air
when I got up this morning, and also so I could hear stuff going on. I can
hear the occasional helicopter and siren outside. Foggy Bottom, my
neighborhood, is safe so far. They have evacuated the White House, the State
Department, Treasury, and of course the Hill. People have been on the roof of
my building and the building next door, looking outside. I went up this
morning, and could see the smoke from the Pentagon fire. So far, my building
has been pretty calm, and people in general have been as well. Thank God I
did not have to report to IDA today, as it was my day off. I go to the
Pentagon to catch the IDA shuttle every time I go to work. As far as I know,
the East Side was hit and not South Side, which faces South Parking and the
bus bays.

I didn't know till I loggged in at about 9:30 that the WTC towers had been
hit. I had barely been dressed when my phone rang and my dad called. When I
put my CI on, I heard this really loud, awful grating noise outside, and
looked up to see people standing on the neighboring building's roof.

I cannot get through to anyone on either the Maryland or DC relay. Voice
calls are still very rudimentary for me at this point in CI hearing. Email is
the best way to get in touch with me. Please, New Yorkers, please write in
and let me know you're OK.

GW is closed. I had two classes tonight, but they're now cancelled. I have
been glued to the TV all morning and now early afternoon. To the Goucher
folks, have they closed campus? What's the situation like in Baltimore and

I love you all. I will continue to stay in DC for the time being, but may
return to Baltimore this evening, depending on what the situation is like and
what traffic is like (Dad driving). Will keep you all posted.

Please pray for us and for the people who died at the Pentagon, in NYC, and in


September 11 Email: Date

sent 9/11/01 2.09 pm

September 11 Email: Subject

I'm OK


“email440.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 5, 2024,