September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

I didn't have to spend the night in the city last night. The Metro opened again and I went home a few hours later, in order to avoid the rush of people. I left the office just after 2:00 and I have never experienced downtown DC so quiet and unpopulated. There were people around, but not many, and cars were quite sparse. Everyone I saw was subdued - if they were talking at all, it was in low voices. There were few street vendors or even homeless people around.

DC is still quiet today, but business is carrying on. The Federal government is open, but is allowing liberal leave, meaning that people who want to take the day off and use a vacation day can do so without being penalized. That seems to be the route most of the businesses downtown are taking. Many of the schools in the area are closed.

I could see the smoke from the Pentagon from our office yesterday. (We are on the uppermost floors of the building about 5 blocks from the White House). It made me think of the eruption of Mt St Helens. On a smaller scale of course. Sirens were going off for most of the day. The city set up a staging area for the Fire Department a block away from the office. They were there to take care of any calls not related to the Pentagon. The engines were parked in rows in the street, just waiting.

I don't know anyone that was hurt yesterday, but I do know two women that happened to be driving by the Pentagon when the airplane hit. One of then ended up with a piece of the plane embedded in her sunroof. She is fine, but understandably shook up - and very glad she had the sunroof closed. She does have quite the souvenir though. . .

This morning National Guard MPs were directing traffic at major intersections. (Part of me kept expecting them to whip out the mirrors on long poles and start checking underneath cars for bombs.) I didn't see any Guardsmen when I went out a little while ago, but I imagine they are not too far away.

I have not been over there yet, but apparently many of the stores along Connecticut Ave have flags hanging in their windows.

I am well, if distracted, and hope you all are too.


September 11 Email: Date


September 11 Email: Subject

From your reporter in DC


“email335.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 5, 2024,