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September 11 Email: Body

Thank you to everyone who has e-mailed/called me/my
parents asking if I am ok. I am, and I will keep this
short as I don't have anything much to contribute to
what you already know.

Yesterday I saw the smoke billowing from the Pentagon
and the streets suddenly gridlocked for hours then
empty, the skies over DC unusually quiet except for
F-16s circling high above. At one point a lone
airliner, probably the last to land, came in on an
unusual flight track, headed right towards the office
balcony on which we stood. Some people jumped back
into the offices. It came closer and closer, then
pulled up and away. Yesterday, as today, people can
be seen studying the skies as they walk, and the sound
of an airplane is enough to stop traffic.

Today, walking to work, I passed a few HUMWVEEs,
manned by soldiers, stationed at each major
intersection. Perhaps an overreaction, but this is
still a nation in shock.

I spoke to some friends in New York, two of whom live
within five blocks of where the World Trade Center
was. One slept through everything. The other saw
both buildings collapse and was covered in dust and

Perhaps the most disturbing conversation I had was
with a friend who is still in college. She was
sitting, eating breakfast with a dozen friends
yesterday morning, when one of their cell phones rang.
It was their parents, onboard one of the planes,
telling them that a hostess had been stabbed and
wishing them goodbye.

Being me, I have to end with a touch of editorial.
People have been calling this the cowardly act of
madmen. Neither description is constructive or true.
To do what these people did took enormous courage,
created by enormous passion. In the long term the
only solution to the terrorist problem will be to
remove the reason behind their passion by ending
Western support for the thuggish oil regimes, and
supporting third world development.

In the short term, however, bring them to justice.
And if they can't be brought, kill 'em all and let God
sort 'em out.


September 11 Email: Date

September 12, 2001

September 11 Email: Subject



“email307.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 3, 2024,