September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

damn its been a crazy day.
i had spanish at nine and then went to work straight from that. it wasn't until i got to work that i heard anything happened, and i had to work until 3 so i could't get to any news so all i heard were rumors. then i had english at 3:10 and our proffesor was clearly disturbed by the days events and decided it would be better if we just talked about the attack all class. finally after that was over i got to see some news. they had a giant screen TV set up in the villard room where they were showing the news broadcasts. there were also phones for people to call relatives. and everyone was realy quiet and some people were crying. they showed the towers collapsing and the people running from the huge clouds of debris. it was way intense and somber. it was surreal. and now i'm back in my room doing homework and it doesn't seem like anything happened. its interesting to see how disturbed people are and then when you read about the people who died, then think about the news we get every day and how we can shrug off people getting killed in isreal, or in indian earthquakes, or other places and it doesn't bother anyone until it happens here. i think it has alot to do with the fact that the attack destroyed not only people and property but our sense of safety and comfort. i think i'm going to go give blood. initially they said they were running shuttles to the civic center tommorow to donate, but now i think they aren't doing it until thursday.


September 11 Email: Date

September 11th, 2001

September 11 Email: Subject

a sad day


“email361.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 3, 2024,