September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

In case you didn't have the opportunity to attend last night's "vigil" in
Liberty Square in Ellenville, I think you should know who was responsible.
(Some of our ECS students and staff were there.)

Tony Percoco, a former active ETA member and now on the School Board,
organized the event. He did this in less than 24 hours with no use of the
usual media notifications. Most of it was word-of-mouth (I heard an
announcement in the MS the last period of the day) and quickly produced
flyers in store/business windows. More than 200 people arrived before 7
p.m., most in need of some connections with other people. Standing in front
of the American flag, draped from the overhang at Friend Center, an honor
guard, not moving at all, held flags. Tony was the MC, introducing
community leaders and clergy. Rev. Collins, also a member of our school
board, really affected so many of us as he spoke about the tragedy and the
effect. Our own Chamber Singers sang while everyone lit the candles they
brought with them. We all sang "God Bless America" some people with tears
in their eyes.

After the completion of the "program," lit candles were placed on the
circular area by the fountain. Many people remained, talking with others,
expressing the gratitude for having the opportunity to be together.

As Steve and I walked back home after attending a show at Shadowland, we
stopped in Liberty Square, standing and looking at the candles still
burning, more than 2 hours since they were placed there. Someone had set up
a spotlight toward the American flag. I know we always "pledge allegiance
to the flag" with our students, but not always having a true understanding
of how special it all is.

I sent an email to Tony last night, thanking him.

Today there is a special Harvest Festival Day in Ellenville. If you attend,
walk by the fountain. You'll see the candle wax on the side as a tangible
reminder of what occurred.

Enjoy your weekend with your family and friends. I know I'm going to spend
some extra, quality time with mine.


September 11 Email: Date

September 11 Email: Subject

a special person and event


“email642.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 3, 2024,