September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

I can remember September 11, 2001 like it was yesterday. It was a pretty Tuesday morning. I went to my Mass Communication lab, at 9:00am not knowing what would take place while we were in class. When I got out around 11:00am and walked through the Commons, it was like total chaos had broken out. People were screaming, crying and looking the televisions. So I stopped and watched too, I didnt get it at first but then the second tower was hit and I was like oh my God, it looked like something out a movie. Then the Pentagon was hit and the plane was found in Pennsylvania. This was unreal the World Trade Center had toppled over like five minutes and people were jumping out the window from like the 80th floor still hoping to survive.
I ran back to the dorms to call my mother from my cellular, but know one could use their phones, too many people were trying to use them at once. I was so worried about my brother because he goes to Old Dominion University, which has the home of the Naval Fleet right down the street. Who knew who was going to be attacked next? I was scared for myself as well because VCU is in the heart of Richmond, our state capital of Virginia that has federal buildings and National Guard offices. My friends and I were scared to death. Finally my mother called me, she said hadnt gotten in touch with Neal (my brother) yet but was sure he was going to be O.K. I talked to my mother for so long. We were crying and just in disbelief that someone could do this to our country. I felt so sorry for all the Arabics who didnt have anything to do with the attacks because I know people were going to be cruel to them. My cousin whos wife is Arabic didnt leave the house and didnt let the kids leave the house either, because they were so scared of what ignorant people might say or do to them.
The horrible terrorist attacks of that day will live in the memories of all us. I know the attacks made my family closer because it made us appreciate each other more. We knew that no one is promise tomorrow but this made that wise old saying so true. I love my family but this made me call my mother and father everyday just sometimes to say I love them and to ask how they were doing? I am a very sensitive person, I cried so hard that day because I felt that the victims of September 11, 2001 was apart my family. But then I realized that they were apart of my United States of America family and thats why it was so horrible. I felt that these horrible events made the nation a lot closer. Most people learned that we must cherish one another in order for our nation to recover and prosper.
I didnt know anyone personally that was killed in the attacks but many of my friends had family members that were. This made it hit even closer to home, I had to console them and be strong for them. The university was incredible, beautiful memorial services were held for the victims and counseling was provided for anyone who needed it. I couldnt have imagined if one of my family members were victim to the attacks, no one should have to lose a love one and especially not like that. I pray for the those who lost love ones and I pray for Osmaha Bin Laden who has all this hate and evil in him that he will come forward to face prosecution for his wrong doing. Well you hit the World Trade Center, and the Pentagon, and killed thousands of innocent people but you still missed America An Open Letter To a Terrorist.

September 11 Email: Date

May 8, 2002

September 11 Email: Subject

How I Felt


“email175.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 28, 2024,